
This all just plain sucks. When this story came out I was heartbroken for that girl. All I could think was I hope after all this is over she moves far away from that place, but it's moments like this where I realize this mindset is far more widespread then I had originally thought.

I have to agree with you. I do not plan on having a ridiculous wedding, I actually do not know If I am up for having a lot of people staring at me while I make a life long commitment to the person I am madly in love with. But I come from a large family and am also at the age where a lot of people I know are getting

I can't help but hope this is for show. That when the camera is off they both just laugh and sip some moet. Otherwise this is extremely sad and I hope she gets the help she needs when it comes to her eating disorder, and gets the strength to leave him. Hopefully she will realize she can do so much better and deserves

Honestly Im going to continue to go around and recommend people take the time to play last of us. I really feel like its worth the money, which I very rarely feel like. It was the first psychical game I had purchased in along while. I have never played any uncharted so I can not say anything of the similarities.

well I more mean along the lines of the other zelda games. But more than anything I mean more mature and a little darker.

wow who pissed in your cheerios today Trolly mc troll face.

sexism thats why.

Yea you see I do not care what you look like, I care if you put your god damn hands on me. No one has the right to touch me with out permission.

I would say It sounds like people need to learn how to interact with other people. I would also say people should know its far from ok to harass other people, verbally or physically.

I'll do one better! Just because she has a vagina does not mean your penis is welcome!

Is this sarcasm?

Am I alone in wanting a more realistic zelda? The last zelda I played through was TP, I did go on to purchase skyward sword but I find myself unable to fully get into it. Many people told me to keep playing bc it got much better but I just could not do it. I felt the graphics were not what I was looking for after TP.

I do not understand the point of your class room metaphor. How is this article punishing you? Why are you so defensive? Why do you feel the need to immediately make it known that you have a wife that you love, respect and treat well? If you do indeed believe women are your equals then what is the issue with the

That would be a much more polite way of putting it then I choose to. I would say brainwashing, ignorance and prejudice/sexism is why.

Pretty much my fear and what I also believe would happen is that this story would have to be significantly dumbed down, smoothed out and sexed up so that the majority would not only enjoy it but be able to understand it. and then how would they do that end correctly??? God sorry I just do not ever want this to

So would this not be the script vaughan had worked on?

I just finished this and I feel empty now. I really loved this game. Can't wait for the DLC, which usually I am all like waterer, but NO I need more!

I wish I could wear my sports bras to all occasions.

What games do you play on it. Im just trying to figure out if I am missing something or if kinect and I just don't work well together.

Im going to have to agree these photos really are not that good. They look cheap and thoughtless. especially considering that I feel this idea could work really well with catwoman and harley quinn.