
I was given the kinect as a gift when it first came out. I paid nothing for it and I still can not stand it. One time I left it on by accident while watching HBO and my boyfriend went to pet the cat on the arm of the couch and It paused our movie. That was the last straw for me ! How dare you interrupt me watching

Also naked.

Seriously I would be out of there so fast. Those people must see crazy stuff all the time.

I have really started to believe female gamers need to speak up more, despite the disgusting responses from some of the people out there lacking a moral compass. I am not saying the do not already but I think alot of them stay mum about being a gamer and I think thats a shame. Also side note A good portion of time

Do you game? If you do the do you play online MP? Because it goes waaaayyyy past that. Two things you do not want to be if you play online 1. a woman 2. black. holy shit the things that are said wow mind blowing. I have been on both ends of the spectrum and I am not going to sit here and say its ok because it is

I am so weary of standing consoles up like that. It makes me anxious like it is not secure enough. I did that for a day with my 360 and kept feeling like my discs were not safe. Really nothing ever happened so I dunno why I feel this way.

I dont know on sony's side the guy who did most of the talking during the public game play footage for Destiny was so annoying and I felt like the people playing with him agreed.


I feel like a little kid again ! Im so excited and I can finally afford a new console at launch for the first time EVER!!!!

Just changed my mind about purchasing at launch ! YAY !

Well I have made my choice. I did not expect that price blown away.

Im just glad its not as bulky as my ps3.

Yup it sucks. Thats a large reason why you do not see it in as many movies and t.v shows anymore. I hate seeing it but at this point in my journey I do not mind it as much. I posted further up in the thread in about 7 months cigarette free, what I have not said bc there was no reason until I saw your post is I am

Congrats !!!!!!!! I hope besides a healthier life you got yourself a gift because what an awesome milestone ! I just about hit seven months so it is great to here things like this. You should be very proud of yourself.

Right before I hit 11 years I decided that enough was enough. My job requires for me to be very active and in general I am very active. My lungs got to a point where walking up the stairs into my apartment made me lose my breath, I live in a duplex thats like 8 stairs. At work I was losing my breath all the time and

In the beginning i noticed a major change in my regularity also though i had to stop drinking coffee for a couple of months because of how much i associated it with having my first cigarette of the day. So that to could have been tied in.

I cant remember what motivated my 14 year old self to start smoking. Im sure I put alot of deep thought into it.

Just had mine done for fifty at the mall, but like i said in another post, they usually charge 65. But its a 4s.

For fifty dollars i just had some kiosk in the mall fix it in less the twenty minutes. Though i will say they usually charge sixty five but i some how managed to bring that down.
