
swamp thing?

I know i grew so attached to clem, this game really got ahold of my emotions. It was awesome. I am not a point and click kind of gal but this really blew me away.

I do not like her character. Maybe she will grow on me who knows.

That got to me. Also i just watched this video for hope for paws and i had to go get tissues. I have never read the books and I was not upset by this, i thought it was awesome. Also honestly i never really felt for robb and i had been waiting for some serious bloodshed ! That episode was great. But i am surprised by

Its like these people forgot what show they were watching.

Nazi Zombies Achievements took so many hours of my life. especially stand in and ensemble cast in Call of the dead. On the moon map i never finished the big bang theory, and honestly i still get the urge once and a while to go for it again, but i just don't have the time or want to make it. But for some reason the

Glenn ! I had just gotten back into reading walking dead and then bam. And i know there are many gruesome deaths in the series but this one just seemed unnecessary to me.

I just do not understand why there was a bidding war for a book that is pretty much a anthology if they knew along they were going to set up the movie or movies as following only one major character. why not just make a zombie with brad pitt. I know certain stories and battles with be sewn together to make one

I disagree i think she would care even if she was not an avid gamer.I mean she seems very invested in bringing light to any area in media and society in which sexism in prevalent. But i do not want to argue that. what i originally took it as was she did all this gaming as "research" but like i said i was wrong and

Thoroughly enjoyed this response.

I am sorry All I really knew from her was the two parts of the damsels in distress videos. I went to feminist frequency and went back and watched her talk at tedxwomen. I should not have assumed to know something, i should have just researched it.

That navi one made my night! I guess I should probably start to reevaluate the things that make me happy?

Unfortunately in may parts of life we as people encounter hypocrisy on a almost daily basis, if not daily. Like i stated earlier in our conversation there are extremists, but there are also people who are just plain ignorant. sometimes ignorance can be the worst of them all. When i was younger i worked as a preschool

Let me just say I promote feminism everyday by going to my job. Real feminism. I work in a Male environment where I hear, see and experience sexism in ways a lot of women and men will not encounter in their career.( I do not say this to offend any one or try to downplay their plight) A lot of men will say something so

Honestly that thing is creepy. So is the idea of some one pinching it like that. Yucky.

how can some one have " more equal rights" that statement does not compute? Also out of curiosity do you mind stating what you do for work.

I did indeed read it, does not mean i believed it but thats besides the point. My point was you are against feminism. well if you are against feminism that would mean you do not believe in equality amongst the sexes.

I do not understand the logic behind this comment.

I sped this video up a couple of times because as ridiculous as this is her voice was like nails on a chalkboard for me.But none the less I agree with some of her points.