
Thank god someone said it. Totally fake, at least most of them are. Im sure it started with a genuine concept but it's all just made up now.


oh cool so you just have to click a button instead of clicking a button.

Can we please not pretend like making a bomb is not incredibly obvious and incredibly simple?

with a ridiculous face and huge forehead

It's a very difficult costume to get right i reckon

The bust is just pure awful but the rest isnt so bad.

I'll say.

Fuck yeah Michael Shanks!

Gizmodo again so ridiculously out of touch.

I do believe this is the first Gawker article that even REMOTELY promoted concealed carry.


Do you often have a need of square holes?

it does use an awful lot of oil

didnt facebook already get ddos'd like a year or two ago? cmon now

If this kind of stuff interests you check out this blog

he *should* be wearing a full size respirator.

the solution? dont put your face on your facebook

just like so many other webcomics, these are supposed to be funny?

add this to the list of first world problems.