
so the police are going to tell the defenders of human dominance to stop defending against the uprising apes?

I'm right there with you pal.

I wonder what kind score you'd have if you just got the courtesy achievement you get from the first level of every game...

presumably someone who is in possession of child pornography has a desire to be in possession of that material.

When stark is talking to fury at the end of IM2, some of the screens show news reports of the hulks rampage at the university. hard to put them in order when theyre all overlapping

on the subject of jinks being a liar, i could have sworn that him telling claudia he was gay was a lie to get her to shut up or something.

some of these people are celebrities?

that looks like another guy entirely. guy in pic 5 is wearing a coat.

I know you guys arent the first to point out that the cop in the DKR pictures looks like Joseph Gordon Levit but cmon, that guy is fully asian.

so apparently this looks good. could have fooled me.

should such a thing really exist? If you're young enough to actively want to go see the smurfs then you probably have little to no comprehension of hetero/homosexuality.

not sure about their existence in the US

thank god, i've been looking for that clip for ages. cant remember where i even wanted to post it anymore.


she had proper pants in the game for christs sake.

Dayum Gizmodo, I wish I had more thumbs. So I could give this article...FOUR thumbs down.

so they should be trying to make mcdonalds more attractive to the non-gizmodo writer, non-hipster crowd so they can have starbucks all to themselves and their thick rimmed glasses

I've had the same experience

clearly not stating from experience or even secondhand experience

same age as whalberg, and whalberg was technically cast