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    Which presumes the commenters are the target audience or are telling the truth when they say they're not going to buy it. If it didn't sell, Valve would lower the prices. They probably have the supply/demand thing down to more of a science than the guys on Wall Street, seeing as how they own Steam and such.

    Yeah, and it's the exact same target audience with the exact same amount of demand...

    People should realize that depending on the circumstances, cows can actually get mad at you and kill people...

    I'd be more interested in the comments of a video where a man dresses up as Princess Peach.

    It's a mistake foreigners in Japan often make. They go to those machines that sell tiny little crap for 100 yen and buy lots of things until they realize that's not ten cents, that's actually more than a dollar and expensive as hell.


    It's a puzzle game with a plot that is ridiculous as hell - on purpose. Why the hell would you want to take that seriously?

    Is it teen angst if they're six years old?

    There's artists who include their audience in the art, theater and such.

    I was thinking the same thing, like... why would she have to know about this?

    It did hit with kind of a whimper.

    Or. You Know. Games. GAMES! Seriously, the Vita itself is ridiculously awesome. Right now I'm using mine to play PS3 games, but for most you need a hacked console, so that's not a sellpoint.

    I agree with all of this except Little Big Planet Vita. It is indeed better than the console version.

    This is no PR tripe. Read the article. You weren't ever meant to see this.

    I think being able to be funny comic relief while still winning against the Elf's killstreak in a battle where bows are totally OP is really badass. It's like playing COD only with your knife, without camping, just dodging all the bullets and remote explosives and what not with manly prowess!

    Machine is unrealistic. It has not enough space for quarters for a single play through.

    The "I can't say if it will be possible" thing sounds like an extremely Japanese phrase. Trust me, in japanese it makes sense, it just doesn't translate well. Just interpret it as generiously as you can and don't take the literal English at face value.

    It's like in the US, gay marriage will have to be patched in later.

    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!