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    The PS Vita did it before.

    The PS Vita offers the same option, and it is amazing. Of course, you have to be a pirate to be able to use it because there's no official support at all. Ni No Kuni looks amazing on the Vita, I tell you :)

    Dota 2 is free to play. As in, it really is. Might want to give that a shot.

    It's not as awesome as Dota 2 and too many people are playing it instead of Dota 2 is wrong with it.

    they have turbolifts, duh

    Wow, dis has collision and a working camera! Very impressive!

    In four player mode it looks a whole lot more like it. Of course, yes, you have the 3d-ish beat em up stage, but that's just details.

    Thanks for the video, though, though I guess the boss fight doesn't show how crazy the game can get :P

    You're missing the Sonic Smash Bros clone on the GBA. "Sonic Battle" it was called. Four characters on screen and all.

    Trailer had me at "In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit."

    You suck, I think ZHP Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman is an awesome title! What's scarier than a Darkdeath Evilman, dude? And who better to kill him than a superawesome Unlosing Ranger?!

    All I can think of to say is: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!

    It's probably at the simple end of the spectrum, with Gnomoria in the middle and Dwarf Fortress at the end.

    Still had to take a dig at it saying that one of the best things about it was that it was short. She just couldn't leave a good impression well enough alone...

    So that's what, half a chapter into the first Rincewind book?

    It still has those tiny tiny worlds, though, right?

    It is dumbed down. It has been done in a clever way and annoying things removed. It has become a more well thought out game, but there's just less options. Even if they were false options and nobody ever did do anything with them, there's just some sense of freedom missing that I wish they'd put back into newer games.

    I know, isn't it awesome?

    What's more impressive is that he became a programmer instead of trying to find out what "late" really means.

    This needs split screen to sell me. Doesn't look like it has that :(