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    No, it's a game where you kill monsters, collect loot, level up, and improve your character. Diablo 3 is a business simulation of a fantasy adventurer trying to keep up his repair bill while calculating efficiency spreadsheets from loot drop tables so he can maximize his profits.

    To be fair to them, Diablo 3 freakin rocked till you hit end-game, and no reviewer is given enough time to get there before the deadline.

    Maybe there will be a console version like for Torchlight 1. Also, keep an eye on the mods for this one, you never know!

    I prefer D3's skill system, but good lord, the items you get are so boring :( I hope Torchlight 2 will make things more interesting.

    End game wise it probably has to be better simply because of how boring Diablo 3 gets at level 60 (I had a blast up to that part, though). Otherwise... well, yes, it's a significant improvement over Torchlight 1, but if you're having fun with D3 still, that's good too :)

    I might have thought about this more than you have and I'm just too fed up with it to care enough to elaborate any more.

    Probably, but only because Microsoft is big and above the law. The more important point, however, is that the law sucks.

    Aye. It's patent law that eats shit for breakfast, this guy's just the waiter.

    Intellectual property needs to go. Dear god. "5 video codecs"... what the fuck man?!

    Last night? It's still happening...

    I don't think you got the competitive spirit represented correctly here. It's not that people want to measure themselves against others, but it is because you have others people to play against that you will improve. If your opponent is better, you're forced to get better yourself.

    And even in D3, there will still be grinding. Those items you'll need won't just appear out of nowhere.

    Actually, there are more skills per character than there were in Diablo II. No, I'm not talking about runes. There are more base skills. I think in D2 there were 24 per character, in D3 there are 28. Then you ADD the runes. (And really, look at the sorceress in D2. Firebolt -> Fireball... is that really anything more

    The "UPDATE" here tries to focus on some of the easier to take down straw men comments and doesn't try at all to answer to the more well founded arguments.

    Why won't Kotaku let me post? I want to express my disatisfaction with this unprofessional article.

    I realized that just after posting my comment and hoped nobody would notice. Damn you!

    Next time don't let your interns clean the beakers.

    I can't believe the Vita isn't selling. It's an amazing consoldheld. Whatever this SDK thing can actually do, I hope it helps.

    People with Wii emulators have been doing this.