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    So they're boasting how great an ipad ap the predecessor is but it won't work on an ipad?

    Winning a game is kind of like finishing a book these days, and you don't find anyone saying books are art.

    If you have the gall to base your entire argument on an entirely stupid philosophy, at least take a neat one like Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land.

    In most civilized countries Xbox Live Indie games do not exist.

    Because company rights are more important than people rights.

    They were born this way, mister. They might have the brains to be more, but they will be farm boys like their father!

    Minecraft is slow and shitty though?

    Actually works amazingly well in the first two. Makes me think all platformers should have this :) Tetris might also benefit, even.

    Stacraft 2 multiplayer actually makes you get 50/50 win rates no matter how good you are. You do need to play a few games until you get placed correctly though, maybe 10-20. You could just lose a lot on purpose if you're really that desperate.

    motherboard might not fit that much? 16, sure, but 24?

    I just built one myself:

    but you'll have to install it!!!

    You mean to say acknowledge, thank, and kill everyone out there who disagrees with you, right?

    DUNDUNDUN... logical fallacy alert, logical fallacy alert!

    Mandatory fanboy mentions: Death Note and Bakuman

    I might buy one now that I know how good the game actually is once you get into it.

    I usually play online now. And yes, I do use the 3d mode, I just love the looks of that. I don't know if it affects my play, but I don't think it does.

    I like this. More people who will keep playing Street Fighter online. For some reason I keep playing the 3ds one, even though I own it on the 360. Maybe it's the better d-pad?

    @IncandescentMule: Though nobody could've proved anything and he'd have embezzled 10 million bucks on his way.

    @dctheee: I think the fifth one might come from you being gay instead of the PC?