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    @Brian Ashcraft: To his credit, the whole article reads as if it's a new game.

    @mrClint: People score points by running around the brown part of the court. One court for each person that runs around it. They are only allowed to run around it, however, if the ball flies very far. If someone can bring the ball back before they ran all the way around, they either have to stop are out of the game

    Sacred was a strategy game?

    I wonder why they still make LCD TVs these days. Plasmas are so much cheaper and give better pictures, it's beyond me.

    Then why do they even fit the thing with the accelerometer? Huh?

    @merc-ai: There is fast travel.

    If this is the PSP2, Sony lose.

    @Hongo: Various romhacks for it make a good attempt. Not the super hard ones mind you, but the hardER ones. There's awesome stuff going on there.

    @MirrorForTheSun: You may be right, but I really don't care, the way your arguments are presented are ridiculous. It's like saying we don't need color television because we're so used to black and white now that we know what the colors would look like anyway.

    Wow, what a big step for the RPG!

    @Budkin: Erm, it's not that light. As they said, it's mostly music (there's quite a bit of music) and there are also a lot of different art sets for different levels. 350 levels. I can see how that'd up the megabyte count.

    @MissMarlo: Aye, brain gave out more reward chemicals back then.

    @jerkofalltrades: There's Dungeons and Dragons: Tactics for the PSP, which is exactly that.

    @FTH: Have you ever tried finding anime porn with sex that hasn't got some extremely specific fetish going on? It's freakin impossible...

    @Shippoyasha: It's not the sexualization that's the problem to me, it's the way they do it. If I see one more 11 year old car-eared Z-cup girl in a waitress/school girl hybrid costume where the nipples show through, I am going to vomit.

    @shinigamidono: That's a very narrow attitude. Games don't have to be fantasy or fiction, they can be anything people want them to be. Stop putting arbitrary limits on things.

    Chugging potions? I thought there were no potions in Diablo III, only red orb things.

    @ToastyUterus: Right, it's good advertising that gets bad press sometimes, my mistake.