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    @Tarzanti: First: While using Wikipedia as a source is usual on the internet, that doesn't mean it's right. Second, that is not a definition. "It generally begins when" does not have any content. Not specific at all if you actually read the thing you link.

    From the screenshot I thought it was a bad-looking iphone game.

    @Tarzanti: It does not "mean" that. It's the second letter of the Greek alphabet, and for a game version that can mean anything the game dev damn well pleases.

    @SecretMoblin: This is misleading. While it does not need a powerful, recent machine, Java slows things down a lot.

    @ToastyUterus: There is no such thing as bad advertising.

    @Booji-Boy: Already happened 5 months before release.

    @Fortran42: Already happened 5 months before release.

    @Kent: I do hope so. Didn't know that was technologically possible, though. I'd thought Microsoft had canned the hardware capability for that because of costs. I'd be super excited if this were true.

    @Whooped.D.Dew: Yes, exactly... you know, like with the Kinect? Maybe? It's the same thing?

    @The Anti-Fanboy: To me this looks like a measure to save mass production costs. They only need 2 factory settings, not more.

    @Whooped.D.Dew: newsflash: Games cost 5 cents to make and retail for 50 bucks! OMG!

    Which camera will do 640x480? The VGA one or the actually cool one?

    @Callabrantus: billions of colors? I thought most TVs still did 8 bit or something

    @ShaughnTr0n: Not me, you're thinking of the itsucksbox 360. Because it sucks, which is not the point of a gaming console. The PS3 on the other hand...

    @ShaughnTr0n: Yeah, the PS3 is clearly superior!

    @Sugoi: So wrong. Evolution would've killed off Twilight way earlier.

    @Slinkge: Which is a stupid sentence because you need someone like Heidegger to define "being" for you. I'm still stuck at the first few pages of "Sein and Zeit"...