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    @Graviton1066: Sigh... space travel needs all the exciting publicity it can get, don't ruin it, dude!

    @wjbean: The dragon rides on Merlin engines? Wouldn't it have been cooler for Merlin to ride the dragon? Poor old dude's back...

    Big deal, the Russians have landed on Venus in 1972.

    @kshade: It is an insult I use when things somebody writes rub me the wrong way, activated through certain linguistic behavior patterns.

    @kshade: Yay! One less sale for indie games to make the world a better place!

    about 200 euros plus shipping for Antiquity, a board game that's out of print. That or Arkham Horror plus all the expansions, which would be what, 400 bucks by now?

    @Grimm808: I can take a penis in my ass. I don't want to. I am politely asking you to remove it. Is that too much to ask?

    @RadiantCadenza: I was asking for information, didn't know about the transparent screen. Looks damn convincing to me.

    @someone_else: Wrong wrong wrong wrong. We need more people like her or we're all gonna die horrible deaths, but I don't expect anybody to realize that before it's too late.

    @someone_else: Okay, I was with you up to the last part, but what the heck is wrong with a woman who opposes giving birth? That's the only rational way to think about it these days! Do the morons who made that picture not see the overpopulation problem? Really? Just close your eyes and pretend the Earth won't be

    @Grimm808: You may be using sarcasm here, but still. This is like women haters going spouting stupid clichés and then going "I was just being sarcastic, can't you take a joke?" *shakes head*

    Great idea, make your first triple A title an MMORPG, the only genre where you're absolutely doomed to fail at.

    @EolirinX: The problem isn't that the football slang is hard to translate, it's that it is metaphoric and therefore by nature untranslateable, like every language, really, only that it shows more.

    I think they'll be able to do everything but the translation part. I just don't buy that. There are too many languages. I say they'll quit after having managed to make English-Japanese-French somewhat useable and say they're done.

    @Gameslaya: His three greats are Starship Troopers, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, and Stranger in a Strange Land, but I like almost everything he did.

    @stigen: I hate Pac-Man games, they're boring as all hell, but the Championship Edition DX one is probably the best game I've played this month/year. It's not the Pac-Man you know, believe me. The Championship Edition itself is okay, but no must for a Pac-Man hater, it's the DX that does the trick.