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    Pac Man Championship Edition has a good iPhone version. Research, please.

    If I could choose to have one out of all the games that are going to be released in the future in my hands right now, ready to play, I would choose this.

    @Gameslaya: I actually found the ideas for the sequels intriguing. No good books by any means, but intriguing, still. If you want to read something good, read Heinlein.

    @Gameslaya: But you'll show him! One day you shall be the guy who takes over a planet populated entirely by catholic Spaniards and piglike aliens!

    @Tiller: In Switzerland, everyone who's in the army (which is mandatory, though easy to get out of) has a gun at home with one bullet.

    @Gameslaya: But he'll still tell everyone in the room how awesome you are for realizing you can do that.

    @scrapking: And the joke is just about as lame as the "Kinect might have sold 2.5 million BUT HOW MANY OF THOSE WERE GIVEN AWAY ON OPERA?1!11!!" one

    @Nick Edge: Seriously? You mind junk mail more than 1984?

    @Reill: Wrong, religion is the opposite of reason. The problem is that these days we worship reason so much we now think it's the only way.

    @squall987: Actually he calls himself a "militant atheist"

    @Akio Morita: Your open hostility against Islam is duly noted. You may join those other masses of agitators and elitist rabble over there.

    @Reill: Richard Dawkins is considered a moron in the scientific community. You just don't go into experiments trying to prove something, that's a basic fallacy.

    @Akio Morita: That's only for things that "mislead from the Way of Allah", read your own quotes.

    @Navi Vong: The Kinect version of EA Sports Active 2 is quite buggy and the motion control works quite badly, there were also about 15 workouts they cut from it compared to the Move version. It's probably the worst example to make.

    @Solday: Most likely he has some crappy LCD TV that starts with 150ms input lag to begin with.

    @stevenjcarney: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... ahem... *coughcough*

    Now they only have to make the indie store available to people who live outside of the US...

    @karoc: Support local industry?

    @PunkyChipsAhoy: If you want to freeze all your body parts of, y... nope, still no, your muscles would freeze before the first jump I'm afraid.