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    @Gargus: It will be delicious irony when the zombie apocalypse comes and you will be killed because of your lack of grinding training!

    One word: awesomeiguess?

    Loved the old NES version. Especially the theme music. Dee, dudumdumde dee, dudumdum de dee - dee, de dee-dee-dee-dee deedeedee deedeedeedeedeedeedee dee-dee-dee...

    The new review format is bad.

    @traumafox: Blah blah blah blah wrong opinion in face of overwhelming evidence blah blah

    @Datacide: Very much agreed, sir. Sadly, Kotaku does not care much about reader opinion.

    @Onslaught Six: Proof or it didn't happened. I played both versions and that's just not true.

    @Onslaught Six: It had shrinker, expander, pistol, shotgun, RPG, pipe bomb, Devastator, tripmine, freezer, an awesome grenade launcher and added a second set of ammo like heat seeker missiles or explosive shotgun shells. What's your point? All it took away was the shitty machine pistol and replaced it with a work of

    @Pinballtec: Right. Come back once it can actually sense depth, process the information, is outfitted with a swivelling motor, 4 microphones, and still costs less than the Kinect.

    @Teran: Because instant gratification has always been a part of innovating new technology!

    Interesting. I didn't expect the processor or the RAM. Didn't they always say those had been taken out and weren't neccessary? Got themselves lots of bad publicity for no reason there...

    @Onslaught Six: Third person spinoff? What are you talking about? I am talking about Duke Nukem 64, not the lame cash-ins.

    No Indie Games in Switzerland, either.

    @Onslaught Six: So you'd take naked strippers over awesome new weapons, the Atomic Edition built in, split screen multiplayer and a 3d graphics engine that doesn't make people puke?

    Evil dead has always been cute...

    @scrapking: May I remind you of how the Nintendo 64 version of Duke was by far the best one?

    @Sancho45: Each of which cost about as much to make as all of the 17 put together?

    @room88: Because no sir, the middle-aged American woman doesn't DESERVE video games!