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    @Sancho45: You do know that Ellen is gay, right?

    @Nethlem: Dude, it's 150ms or less. GTA IV had more lag than that.

    @GOD: That or they just want it to hit like one single bomb instead of lots of tiny review farts.

    @Zim: You did play the real version and not Minecraft classic, right? You know, where you actually have to survive and there's much more of a point?

    Is it just me or does the screen seem amazingly bright under these lighting conditions?

    @Smash Bro: Hrr money! Hrr value! Hrr art is an industrial product! HRRR!

    @Kolian: Agreed. I'd rather have the Halo 1 campaign added to Reach as some form of expensive DLC in super-remade glory. Now that I would pay for.

    @AmanOfSomeSort: Your opinion would still carry much more weight if you had tried the game first, don't change the subject.

    I completely miss couch co-op from this review. That would make or break my purchase.

    @Porkbun: That is because it will *be* a real guitar? Maybe?

    @Rexter: Now that is just rude and insulting coming from someone who can't even use proper grammar.

    @Grimm808: I so hope it won't. I actually want to play this instead of watching a slide show thank you very much.

    @Archaotic: Didn't Tribes 2 already allow for a shitload of participants? Tribes seems like the ideal franchise for this to me. I hope the persistent world thing is more of a campaign-like thing. You know, like Starfleet Command 2 did.

    Magic Carpet 3 = only game I will ever need. Well... maybe Magic Carpet vs. Sacrifice, but that'd be IT.

    @RagingBull: Tell that to my girlfriend who does not read gaming news at all. The thing's all over the place.

    @OTCIXS: You just say that because you own a 360

    They should've hit Cortex Command with this. You know, where the developer is *actually* lazy?

    @Dante_Ravenkin: Singular statistical anomalies on this scale can easily be attributed to measurement error. Purely mathematically speaking, of course.

    @the7k: You mean like the iPad version which features 4 player same screen multiplayer? For any other game that'd suck, but I could see Chu Chu Rocket being a heckuva load of fun like that.