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    didn't we see this two months ago?

    The demo was fun. It's just... I think for me to really enjoy footy games, they'll have to look like the real thing. That's either next gen or next-next gen for me. Sorry Fifa, I'll "pass" on you.

    @ittekimasu: And the game hasn't even been released yet...

    I thought you mean a second analog stick. Sadly, I am yet again disappointed.

    @fanboyps3: My point is that rather than saying this, he should have just stayed quiet about it. Let the advertisement guys handle public relations, comments like this just make people give the game weird looks.

    @Antiterra: Don't be so quick, that was just a quick assumption based on looks alone. Genetically, dogs, birds and rats would all be quite closely related, the birds being the farthest from the others. Maybe some strange twists of evolution produced a basic mammalian-avian hybrid creature with characteristics of all

    silent video is inaudible

    @Sheng-Long-Lives: Well, you can always connect the Xbox with crappy wires and play in SD :P

    @An Atheist Jew: Sorry to burst your bubble, but Mischief Makers and Bangai-o also belong with those. Luckily the 360 will also get Bangai-o. All that's left to hope for is Mischief Makers. Chances are slim, though.

    @fuchikoma: I'm getting used to the thing. I still hit the wrong direction sometimes, but I'm getting better at it. I do still wish it'd be nicer, though.

    Awesome! I always wanted to play this, but never found an emulator that did it right! Thank you Treasure and Moneysoft!

    @Antiterra: I think there is dog in there

    It really goes overboard with that bloom, but then, I thought that looked awesome in Halo 3.

    @Jimmy_Jazz: Because Panzer Dragoon is anything like Lair.

    This is awesome! The Kinect might herald the return of rail shooters, since it's one of the few genres that will actually work on the bloody thing. I love rail shooters!

    @Merkinz: Even Forza has that, featuring THE KINECT! Well, in theory, that is.

    This guy is a PR disaster. You don't come out and say your game isn't as fully featured as you like just before you release the thing. Especially with a game like this!

    @Latias_On_Vox: Erm, playing on legendary with a skull modifier might not be the best idea if the difficulty is too much? Maybe?

    Pity it's all brown and grey now.

    Pity it's brown and grey now like everything else.