@surft: Word
@surft: Word
@surft: Narutaru wasn't dark and gritty. It was depressed and suicidal.
@FLD: It's boring as hell. These things here only happen to you if you play 20 hours a day.
@DemonHunt: You were definitely outsarcasmed there :)
@Zidago: Another posh gamer who's too good to even try Halo BECAUSE IT IS TAINTED BY CORPORATE GRIME!
@bonniegrrl: was it to save the Wales? Yes, I mean the country.
@Karlott: Go play it you most certainly very nice but extremely misguided person!
@SirNinja: Until recently I had the first gen ones (first gen Xbox, no live) Now I have live. I think the new ones are a godsend. The old one was hell to navigate.
This is the country that produced GANTZ?
@SirNinja: I don't think of this as friendly and bright at all, more like white and sterile...
@FTH: Scratch the "almost", that was fanboyism talking. This looks crappy.
@-Jack McCauley- There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end: Just what I was thinking. I almost like the old one better.
@TundraWolf: The thing is that Halo is built on the same combat sequences over and over. The idea is to make it possible for those same sequences to play out differently every time through amazing AI and enemy behavior. For the AI to use all the tricks it has in its bag, all possible finesse it can muster to surprise…
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: You guys are funny.
@Mmm: To me video games were always a tech show. But what do I know? I just grew up with them...
@I'm leaving a: You could software emulate those. Just tell the on-board AI what to do through the wireless neural connection and it'll do all the necessary programming for you.
@Monolith: A harem of 21 women and six goats. The PS3 version is worth one goat less and one of the women might or might not have an STD (by which I mean I can't verify how much the PS3 one is worth because I've never played it)
@GamerKT: No it wouldn't. It wouldn't work at all. Take out bullet time and you wouldn't have a chance of hitting your opponent. Put in bullet time and... well, it'd just be shit.
I just read that as "Big Lebowski Bowling: Alien Assault" and thought I'd just heard about the awesomest game ever conceived.
@Madeira: Haha, input lag. People still go on about that?