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    @Manly McBeeferton: Civ's not a game, it's an event! You have to plan this kind of thing ahead of time.

    @emag: Advanced Civ was just an expansion, really.

    Aww dangit, Fantasy Flight just keep taking my money... and I still have to scrounge up those 200 bucks for Twilight Imperium 3 and Expansion...

    @Centella: *Points you to the original Civilization board game which compute Civ is based on*

    What is it with games like Scribblenauts this and all the talk about innovation? The Incredible Machine had the same idea, only here you're playing with access to all the parts.

    @Jackski: That sounds like it would be neat. You could actually see how stupid you look :)

    @chamoo232: There's also all the seemingly little stuff that causes costs to pile up. The mechanical swivel thing to make it turn left and right and give it the ability to zoom in and out and focus. Then there's the microphone and everything, plus the huge amount of software that had to be created for voice and body

    @excaliburps: I'm excited for the party games myself. Kinect Sports and Adventures, and that Fitness thing. There's no rush to buy the thing, though, after all, the price can only go down :)

    @TanyaRei: It is strange, though. You didn't hear about failures as bad as this happening at E3...

    @chamoo232: I thought they took out the processor for cost reasons, which is why it'll require some software to be installed on the Xbox harddrive.

    @xyzl: To be fair, the attractiveness of the women is diminished by the fact that they appear to be kind of... well... dim... in this video at least

    @xXn00bXx: The issues are already being widely and publicly discussed everywhere. I think it's the first thing we'll read about in reviews.

    @excaliburps: I wonder why people are excited about Dance Central of all things. I mean, the figures on screen don't even mimic your movement. It seemed like the least impressive Kinect game to me. Anything I'm not seeing?

    @TanyaRei: It's possible that the flash lights also fire off light in the IR spectrum. White light's a mixture of a lot of wavelengths, after all. Still, it is a bit worrying.

    I am a huge Kinect fan and propagator (yes, there are people like me!) but this worries me. The 3d sensor camera should work no matter what light conditions, even in complete darkness. Why would it be thrown off by flashes?

    @Deadsider: I was talking about your mention of CAD plot points.

    @Deadsider: Good work on confusing the issue. Also, the comic running on PA right now is a guest strip.

    @noboard: Technically they'd probably be able to do this already through the magic that is streaming, it's just that nobody cares enough :P

    Frontier: Elite 2 allowed seamless planet landings. Frontier: First Encounters (Elite 3) did even better and had planets with actual terrain. Nobody ever played First Encounters, but the game was magnificent.