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    I say emergent gameplay. Spelunky and Nethack and the like can be extremely funny. Or take games like Smash Brothers, or hey, any multiplayer games. I always laugh when I play these.

    @Eternal: A work of art, my friend, a work of art. I can't believe you got your PHD :)

    @Oldboy26: Your mom will never be what your dad is.

    @Eternal: The Xbox and the PS3 output in 1080p, but the image they produce is 720p, a much smaller resolution. Also, these consoles still look good on 60 inch screens, while the 3ds screens will be tiny. Your comparisons are the most ridiculous I've ever read.

    @Eternal: You do know what image scaling is, right? No matter how little you "stretch" an image, the scaler has to invent information that's simply not there, and the result will never look as good as the original.

    @Eternal: When will you people realize that the jaggies on handheld game screenshots come from scaling the picture? W H E N?

    Yay! Touchy feely! Way to develop the character of one of your strongest, most liberated female characters, Nintendo! NOT!

    @AncientUnknown1: The intangible is not so simple as to be defined by the tangible.

    @Rock-Slime: But that's just my point. What we perceive to be reality *is* our reality. Just because it is subjective doesn't mean it's not real. The opposite, in fact. There can be no reality without subjectivity!

    @Hey_Blinkon: I do try not to be resentful, though I've hated christianity for many years and that's not easy. Distance helps, though :)

    @Hey_Blinkon: I've got personal issues with Christianity, because it pretty much destroyed my family. I apologize for not being able to keep my voice neutral at times, but I assure you I'm not doing that on purpose.

    @AcornPop: Makes me wonder if the Kinect could handle it. Would entail lots of flailing your arms about, but come on... it'd be the awesomest thing in the world!

    @Tzion: Kojima-san doesn't have to make Metal Gear any more.: Language never becomes "corrupted", it just changes. From a linguistic view point, it is impossible for language not to change. Nobody today understands ancient Hebrew, and all translations inherently change the meaning of what's written.

    @MinatoArisatoMinato: Be fair though, mate. This guy probably sped through single player and clicked away every cutscene like you wouldn't believe. There's people who reached level 60 in WoW in only one week.

    Kirby games have always been easy, though. This seems a bit excessive, but a lack of difficulty won't hurt a Kirby game.

    @seepheart: Aye, pretty much. Thinking about it, you really only use it with kids. Probably the least swear-wordy word for ass I've ever heard :P