You, and others who have written about video game length, make great points, but there is one big difference between game reviewers/pundits and the public: The number of games you play in a year.

I wish people could play a game the way it's meant to be played.. Instead of using these pathetic exploits.
Thanks for posting this Kotaku!
Now we'll have more lazy sack of shits who got all the good gear but still suck at the game.

The hypocrisy is astounding, seeing as they've been doing it with Call of Duty since 2008...

Love these kind of articles. Cant wait to see them test this engine in space. "Take that haters."Roger Sawyer


"We aren't programmers or artists but luckily we have close friends at Winterkewl Games who are." This is a face palm in so many ways.

For now? Let this be yet another cautionary tale: be careful what you Kickstart.

The very pure simplicity of the aesthetic is something a lot of folks just like. I suggest you simply disregard things you do not like, as opposed to actively wishing them to die horribly.

Did he just lick his lense @ 0:15 sec ???

I am specifically talking about people who go out and buy next gen consoles and then call pc gaming expensive.

Why did he reply to me and get defensive and attempt to spread misinfo? All I said in my first post was that its already been out for awhile on pc, 360, etc. He started this and now you guys attempt to turn it in me...

- Pc gaming is not expensive, there have been multiple articles, arguments made against this many many times and I don't plan to keep repeating them, its a waste of time.

lol ok.

The same people who bought it on 360 claiming it was the best thing since sliced bread despite it being on PC and anything from 2005 and on can play it but apparently playing PC games is too hard so an inferior console version of a game is the bestest?

Who goes to these conventions to play minecraft which has been out for years?

There is literally zero reason to ever skip work to play a game.

Don't judge a game by its publisher.

I prefer to just not piss on my hands. No need to wash them.