
i have a 96 inch pull down screen from elite screens for 99$ on amazon with like 10 bucks shipping

DO NOT ever use a DLP projector for gaming. use a 3lcd .. I have the Panasonic PTAX200 series (with the same bulb with over 6000 hours on it. and it was the official projector of many game tournaments . Now the 2013 model is called The PTAR100 u

the panasonic ptax series actually has a game mode . i think this post was sponsered by optima or or epson or something. these are the worst projectors. get a panasonic ptax 200u or newer , i have had one for seven years and it was the projector used by a famous gamer in championships for years. i hink the new 2013

5 minuets.

i literally just never played that game again and i was right at the end too.

ohhhh i c . mabye i tried too many times in one day to get the save.

yea but that only works for games that LET you move save files.

This doesn't look any better than MGS4 .

a new version of what game? cant read your mind.

Wo i cant believe how much more money i can make ever since i quit working at burger king!!!! My story is this ...... i went to wal mart and bought 18-19% mitchum anti persperant so i would never have to take a shower again so i coul make like 88 - 9Oh dollars and hour . woweeeee when you fioolow this link just

this is clearly the work of another mega truck trying to squeeze past the mega truck. thats a pattern from a ranch hand bumper / brush guard. that happened to my dads excursion turbo diesel when another truck parked next to it. chill out no one scratched your truck with keys. they have to be michalangelo with a key

wow you obviously never had a truck and have never had your car keyed . and you've never seen sxsw drunk idiots b4. that is definitely not a scratch from someone keying the truck. thats a scratch that could only be made by mistake. and booze.

He my aunt debbie makes $25000 a minuet . just send me your ss # credit card # and your name and address so you can too. oh and also i need your b day and any other relevant info so i can show you just how easy it is!!!!!!

He my aunt debbie makes $25000 a minuet . just send me your ss # credit card # and your name and address so you can too. oh and also i need your b day and any other relevant info so i can show you just how easy it is!!!!!!