
You know that they are only getting a dollar or two per car not 8x profit lmfao. That’s not how it works @$8 eBay get 20% in seller fees, then there is taxes that seller has to pay at the end of the year and then shipping is at least $3-5 depending on where it’s shipped. How are these “journalists” so naive. Where is

Original New York Seltzer

Original New York Seltzer

Fucking scumbag dealerships

So everyone else in the impala would have been dead. She must have been drunk cause everyone knows drunk people never get hurt amirite

Put the ebrake on and place lunch trays from McDonald’s under the back tires look up tray drifting on you tube

120 is an absolute rip off why are thes trash cans so expensive

120 is an absolute rip off why are thes trash cans so expensive


Xbox is a cheap american knockoff of the real japanese video game console.

LOL what about beliebers they can get pretty violent too

thats not an insult just merely stating the fact that you are not original. mr i dont give a shit but deep down inside you really do

sorry Stephen hes just really a jerk and i will merc the shit out of him a la FPS typing

Instead of saying i never played it go fucking play it . or is it too violent for you?

Ok eminem

lol ok . and if you were born in 84 you would be way cooler than the little bitch you are. I don't know any one from my senior year who would say the dumb shit your saying now, yet alone be dumb enough to put their email in their user name

btw you missed the fact that the spam has only begun to flood in. give it a few days :)

thats what you implied im just emphasizing it. do you understand sarcasm or is that to hard for you to comprehend?

so you dont mind big black gay diks in your inbox hahahahahahhahahaha

if you could read i said "almost" oh wise protector of the internet world

actually i was born the same year as you and i hope you like a ton of spam mail going to your hotmail dumbass

LOL your hilarious . I've never laughed at someone so hard in my entire life . your lucky you cand hide behind your little comp screen