How about you lay off the "adult virgin is secretly gay" jokes.

I shouldn’t have to point it out but : being a virgin does not inherently indicate you have problems with your sexuality.

Yikes. Go back to breitbart. 

In before “Cancel culture blah blah blah”.

I’m glad that they do. I much prefer swapping some rechargeable batteries than having to dock and charge a controller.

I can't disregard the last 50 years of his career of this exact same behavior. 

Exactly. Joe prided himself on “bipartisanship” with conservative bigots. Except moving towards your opponent’s end of the spectrum while your opponent stays put is not bipartisanship. That’s caving. They’re letting you think you’ve compromised, but you haven’t.

If you’re going to come at with with a gray comment about how I should be respectful to and not so dismissive of transphobic idiots, save yourself some time and drink bleach.

Don’t be so fucking stupid.

Now playing

There’s still Hurt in a Car, Call William Mattar.

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Over 200 years ago in March 2019, Townsend’s uploaded a nice little video about these:

It’s no different than a daily columnist having to spit 800 words out even if they don’t have a subject in mind that day. I’m not on TikTok and have barely watched Twitch (I’m an old), but I can understand that content creators have to churn out content in order to keep their followers/subscribers from jumping to the

kind of fucked up buttigeig is higher up than bernie is, did you forget he doesnt give a shit about the poc in his small indiana town?

They’ll still be cramming themselves into skinny jeans and v neck tees.

In case you didn’t know, 5G is a total joke. It’s gonna make it even worse. Mobile networks are dynamic, they constantly change bandwidth and relays to keep you connected but that doesn’t work well for a real time stream with no buffering like game streaming. Forget about streaming gaming on the move. If you’re on a

I have way, WAY less if an issue with ambient restaurant noise, like plates and people talking, and far more of an issue with restaurants that blast music at a volume where it’s hard to hear someone sitting across from you. 

Would it kill her to accept an ounce of blame for running a piss-poor campaign and condemning us all to 4-8 years of Trump? Fuck her and the corporate funded jet she flew in on. She’s was and is part of the problem and the best thing she can do to be part of the solution is to go get lost in the woods again.

He’s already confirmed your worry, his plan would be to give a choice of which plan you want to take between UBI and other social programs. His argument is that UBI is a greater benefit than the other programs, but the people receiving assistance are the ones that need UBI most, along with their existing programs.

there is a 99% possibility that the leftist shitbags who run this site have shadowbanned me

I love how obnoxious screeds like this are always 50% fantasizing your own oppression because it’s the only way even you can imagine your flaccid, poorly constructed diatribe having any weight.