Exactly. A significant reason, one that is fully-sufficient on its own but nevertheless far from comprehensive, why I want Trump out of office is because of his corruption. Trump neither recognizes, nor even sees, the difference between himself and the office of the President. As such, he takes actions using the

This article made me terribly sad. What a dumb wasteful thing to worry about. Sorry environment, we were worried about looking like a meme so we’re all dead now.

Humanity deserves to fail if this is the philosophical quandary we’re currently faced with: whether to wear a perfectly functioning coat or not because it’s SO last season. No wonder the fashion industry is the number 2 polluter.  

On average, people bought 60% more garments in 2014 than they did in 2000. Production makes up 10% of humanity’s carbon foot-print, dries up water sources, and pollutes rivers and streams. 85% of ALL textiles go to the dump each year. 

I’m just thinking about how much waste the clothing industry generates and reading this makes me very sad.

Are you kidding?  Ants are at ground level.  That's the last thing I need in my butthole.

As someone who was once part of a similar insurrection against arrogant, incompetent, and condescending management, I want to applaud all of y’all for today’s showing. I’m sure you’re simultaneously enjoying the fun of mutiny while also understanding the risk. Please also know how much it means to us here in the feebl

When people go in like this I’m of two minds:

Obviously, I don’t have a ton of access to their sales data, but anecdotally, I feel like Subaru owners tend to own their cars longer than owners of comparable brands.

Let’s not leave out the time the fascist businessmen wanted to try their hand!

hey, remember that time Jon was out there stumping for a health insurance company’s Please God We Have To Stop Medicare For All front group? it was called United States of Care. funny story.

Justin’s true character is not the handsome shiny liberal he would have us believe. This fall has been coming for quite some time. This has been seen in his policies towards indigenous peoples for a while now. Google his environmentalist ‘policies’, or his complete reversals of his own words in his executive

these fuckers need to die in prison

Like that time people payed to go see two decommissioned steam locomotives run into each other, but then died from the boilers exploding like bombs.

jon ossoff lost by more than someone who, as far as anyone can tell, literally did not exist.

I detest those video boards that cycle thru each page. What a pain, waiting for it to restart because you weren’t done reading. Pisses me off. Especially the 5 page beer list at a fancy bar. 

Heck, The 3rd season of The Expanse [SPOILERS]

The only reason it’s not popular to say that objectively evil entities like Shell and Exxon are destroying humanity’s ability to survive is that there wealth and power have been allowed to buy public discourse and line the pockets of Joe Biden. Corporate media, like CNN, make their dirty living off of this as does

It’s morally and intellectually bankrupt. The goddamn Blackwater guy wrote a better op-ed piece than this crap. 

buddy you really need to read up on the founding fathers