what does this do that a 5 cent piece of safety wire doesnt?

turn time is amazingly fast now, like 5-10 seconds at turn 30 on a Ryzen 3600

same happened to me as a teen, they just asked if I ate anything with poppy seeds that day and then let me try again later that week.

BFV and 1 are also chock full of nazis and nothing ever happens to them no matter how many people report them.

arachnophobia is common enough that some devs (Satisfactory, etc) added a no-spiders option, and all the Elder Scrolls games have similar mods.

i just made this and it’s actually really good! i used cheap bulk onions with half a head of old garlic with some salt, pepper, and butter and it was good enough that I’ll make it again.

in the case of BFV anyone who’s 150-2 is either hacking or an untouchable skygod, either way it’s no fun to play against and I’ll just go somewhere else if I see that happening.

“because you’re brown” and that’s all it is.

I never got into the huge group content in other MMOs, but the XIV raids are only 8 people so you don’t have nearly as much drama or roster issues, and it’s much easier to understand what’s going on.

they’ve had the kiosks at my local McDs for a while and it’s actually slower than going to the counter between your fumbling around looking for whatever, and the constant hardware issues like the screen not recognizing presses or taking 5 seconds to switch between pages.

which is funny because everyone I know has been complaining that no one allows remote work anymore.

Carrageenan is the seaweed-based one.

I don’t think that was intentional, it’s just that Biden supporters consist entirely of old people.

I suspect there’s a loophole that allows insurance companies to do whatever they want with the info they collect.

that guy got kicked out of two racist parties for being too racist, and ended up being seated in parliament with NINETEEN votes after his party, which had only two “real” candidates, won two seats and then one of the other guys got disqualified.

I failed a drug test in the late 90s because I ate like half a loaf of lemon poppy seed bread that morning.

everything’s boring at low level (the entire game pre-30 is a very extended tutorial for Japanese console players with no MMO experience) but WHM is particularly bad since it’s the only healer that starts at level 1. there’s the nuke, the dot, two flavors of single target heal, the weak aoe heal, and that’s basically

I had 3 impacted teeth out ~15 years ago and they gave me a week’s worth of percocet. I really did need it the first day because it hurt like hell, but stopped on day 2 because it wasn’t that bad anymore and the pills made me itchy and nauseous.