it’s not really a peace treaty, just the end of the war of conquest.

Tesla is a fucking cult and this sort of insane behavior should not be encouraged.

I have to use IE for a shitty work website which constantly opens new tabs for everything, and also crashes randomly if you have more than like 10 tabs open.

I expect the ammo issues will be much less annoying after enough people level up enough to unlock the crate, which should really be available by default.

some of the shitty dems like Manchin announced weeks ago that they already caved.

don’t forget the part where big pharma spends more on advertising and bribery than actual R&D.

there is no “choice” when all of the hospitals in your area are owned by the same chain.

they want as many people as possible to attend their events, and specifically stating that they’re lgbt+ friendly might attract people who had bad experiences at other cons.

Jimmy John’s puts way too much mayo on everything, and also the CEO is a dick.

someone actually wrote an EVE history book! it’s really good and volume 2 comes out next year:

it isn’t on the site for some reason but they showed it off during the livestream.

rainfall showerheads are indeed bullshit for anyone with long/thick hair, but I kinda want to buy one to see if it has the plastic flow restrictor thing that you can drill out or remove entirely to get a shower with lots of full-pressure streams.

even with Windows installed on a mechanical drive, it shouldn’t take 5 minutes just to get to the login screen.

I have a brokerage account because I inherited stock. I don’t actually do anything with it, it just sits there and once a year they mail me a form that says how much I had in taxable dividends/interest.

why should I have to fill out a form in the first place? my employer sends my W-2 to the IRS and my brokerage account sends all of their stuff to the IRS, so why do I have to spend an hour copying numbers from one form to another when the government already has all of this information?

you want some 1800s shit? we still have debtors prisons straight out of Dickens novels, even though these were declared unconstitutional several times since the 1970s.

the FF14 AF stuff is always really good

EVE has had large-scale loot grinding/mining bot operations for ages, split between Chinese farmers who only did the least risky farming methods with vast numbers of disposable bot accounts, and Russian farmers actually played the game and then botted to extract maximum value from the territory they controlled.

the concept of return-free filing has been around for decades but never went anywhere because the tax software companies have been bribing Congress to preserve their income stream.

I assume the “among full-line brands” thing is a way to justify leaving Subaru off the comparison chart.