Adult Swim put most of the episodes on their website two weeks ago:

Robert Reich, Stiglitz, Krugman, or any of the other liberal economists regularly cited on their blogs? there’s plenty of qualified folks who aren’t Wall Street execs and/or corporate lizards.

if you’re on PC, just install Guildwork. I don’t see gil-seller spam anymore unless Guildwork is down.

it’s fucking amazing how EVERY SINGLE SNOWDEN ARTICLE has someone posting this exact line of bullshit.

the liability shift deadline for ATMs isn’t until next year (and even then a lot of them still won’t take it just like how a lot of merchants still use magstripes now)

you have to call them, say you got your own modem, and give them the numbers from the label on the back of the modem.

you have to call them, say you got your own modem, and give them the numbers from the label on the back of the modem.

I assume we’re not getting dogtags until actual launch, along with custom emblems and all the other customization bits that aren’t currently available.

you know what’s really broken? everything about dismounted horsemen

it’s been back since last summer and this time flamethrowers are allowed!

I didn’t get a full clear of Sastasha until well after hitting 50. no one ever wants to do it because the place is so damn big and combat at that level is so damn boring.

the full game will have 10(?) maps, we’ve only seen two. it’s a pretty safe bet that we’ll get at least one heavily trench-based map since it wouldn’t be WW1 without trench warfare.

he was probably buying timecodes with in-game money. this was one of the first games to offer that as an official service, but it didn’t have actual f2p until now.

Now playing

Tropico 3 soundtrack wasn’t censored at all and it was glorious

I think he wants a physical ignition key, plus one of those aftermarket remote starters that people install when they live somewhere really cold.

you should probably see a doctor to make sure it isn’t diabetic nerve damage or something. I’ve noticed that minor injuries heal slower as I get older (35 now) but I’m not accidentally cutting myself bad enough to leave a mark for several days and forget how it happened.

fix the straps so it doesn’t slide so much, or just get the ones with the heel strap

if this is the result of speech training, she needs to find better speech trainers.

they’re probably making bank off fantasias (appearance change item), I know several people who’ve gone through dozens each.

Now playing

they also reused the old music - all three Crystal Tower raids and their cutscenes have remixed FF3 tracks, with seamless transitions between the combat and non-combat versions.

you have to hit it directly, preferably in the shrinking inner circle when it’s at the smallest point to get bonus exp and less chance of it escaping. you can also throw curveballs for more bonus by touching the ball, doing a small circle a few times until it glows, then a quarter circle in the direction of the spin