this is the stupidest thing I've heard all day, and maybe even all week.

how fucking stupid are you? the only people calling it "obama phone" are the right-wing morons getting outraged over poor people receiving government aid so they can function in normal society.

labor unions support the major party that isn't explicitly anti-union? SHOCKING

the compression is so they can keep more of your confidential documents in long-term storage on the internal hard drive.

how is that any different than mass-producing zip guns in their garage? or if they wanted to go high-tech, they could buy a CNC machine on amazon and make an actual submachine gun (Sten gun plans are publicly available) or parts to convert semi-auto civilian rifles to full-auto.

it's common knowledge that it's really easy to make a gun from stuff available at any hardware store, but no one actually does that because it's pretty dumb to put a lot of time and effort into making a really shitty gun when they could just go to a walmart, pawn shop, etc and pay a small amount of money to get a gun

that, and they don't want to ruin the pilot's night vision in case he has to abort the landing for whatever reason.

you know what else has a female population of ~4%? "Women currently hold 4.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO roles and 4.2 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO roles."

the livestream of the EVE alliance tournament has helpful HUDs, commentators who do a reasonable job of explaining what's going on, and they might even have the drawing on screen thing now.

USPS is only "broke" because the same idiot Republicans forced it to pre-pay its pension obligations for the next 70 years or something and won't allow it to raise rates.

you can blame the US military for the idiotic title - that was the actual name of some Cold War doctrine.

I took riflery for college PE credit and there's definitely a physical component to "the aiming part" - target rifles weigh a fucking ton, your hands and arms start shaking like mad after a while unless you've been doing something else to train strength/endurance (I played drums in marching band for years and everyone

nope - you can convert $ to isk by buying timecodes and selling them in game, but selling isk for $ is bannable.

it sounds pretty similar but EVE economy is entirely player-driven, with no missions and no AI. if a station is out of missiles, someone will have to go get minerals and haul them to the station so they can start a factory job, or just buy missiles from somewhere else and import them for resale.

summer is prime time for MMOs because all the students are on break and the ones who didn't get a summer job have nothing better to do than play videogames all day.

American broadband is still terrible and going digital-only will cost them a lot of sales from people in rural areas who don't want to spend two days downloading a game on their unreliable 1Mbit DSL.

center-right by the rest of the world's standards, and basically the same as Bush II in terms in civil liberties (or the ignoring thereof)

if you think Obama's a leftist, you're out of your fucking mind.

to put that in perspective, my 8 year old character has ~125m skill points. 50k is about 1 day's worth.