the accountant game is actually really awesome if you're into that sort of thing - almost every item in game is built and sold by players using materials produced and transported by players. it's also completely unregulated so there's constant shenanigans at all levels, from one guy buying out the entire regional

Goonfleet won a battle the other day because a 3 week old newbie tackled the enemy fleet commander.

if all you ever do is solo grinding, it'll take a long time to accumulate a substantial amount of assets. but if you join an established corp, they'll give you free ships/skillbooks and on-the-job training. every pvp corp always wants more fast tacklers, and you can do that just fine as a newbie if you're willing to

shooting npcs is boring. mining is even more boring. want some excitement? join a corp that pvps, take up solo piracy (not recommended unless you're very good), or get a bunch of money and start playing market games.

the BSG story of "small group surviving against all odds" happened plenty of times in EVE - a long time ago, Red Alliance (Russians) were down to their last system but fought their way out of it and eventually became part of the "RedSwarm Federation" (Russians, goons, and Frenchmen) that defeated Band of Brothers.

it'll literally destroy your stomach: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/9637665/Teenager-who-lost-stomach-after-drinking-liquid-nitrogen-cocktail-speaks-of-her-ordeal.html

the description says "do not microwave or freeze" and "not guaranteed against leakage from above average tap pressure"

I live in a cheap area (upstate NY) and could buy a house if I really wanted to (4br for $140k half a mile from my apartment, or 3br for $105k) but I don't because then I'd have to deal with all the tedious maintenance like mowing the lawn, and really expensive maintenance like when the furnace goes out in the middle

what is your job? a few years in corporate hell will probably turn you into a lazy, cynical drunk like me.

how many twentysomethings are ever going to be in a position to buy a house what with their enormous student loans, low pay, and banks no longer offering shitty mortgages to anyone who asks?

2010: DoL says it is "stepping up enforcement nationwide" http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/03/business/03intern.html?pagewanted=all

welp, time to stop reading this site like I stopped reading the others. this layout is the goddamn worst. everyone says it sucks, the "gawker tech" replies saying it's a work in progress and will get better, then two weeks later they push the exact same garbage on another site and it's not any better at all.

I didn't sign up for my job's dumb program because I don't trust the insurance company AT ALL and refuse to give them any information beyond the bare minimum. a $50 gift card is absolutely not worth the risk of them using whatever information I provided to deny a claim in the future.

I drink like 2L of water at work every day (I used to drink a lot of soda coffee but it was ruining my teeth so I switched to a big water bottle with caffeinated drink mix) and another 2L at home, but I also drink a lot of vodka and sometimes I'm dehydrated even with all that water.

Krugman had this to say about Politifact: "... the people at Politifact are terrified of being considered partisan if they acknowledge the clear fact that there’s a lot more lying on one side of the political divide than on the other. So they’ve bent over backwards to appear “balanced” — and in the process made

everything about this "upgrade" sucks but the new comments are seriously the worst implementation of a comment system I've ever seen.

I'll eat bags of those malted milk eggs but I can't even finish one creme egg anymore without being disgusted by the overwhelming sweetness. I'd rather eat pure sugar cubes than that nasty paste.

I had to play handball in highschool PE. it was just like basketball or soccer in that all the short/fat/clumsy people could go an entire class period without ever touching the ball because no one would ever pass to them.

I was a communications major in college (10 years ago!) and one of our assignments was to do something involving deception online and write a 2-page paper on it. most of the class just hopped on AIM/AOL chat and did the fake ASL routine because everyone knew that was the easiest way to get random people to talk to you

Now playing

this video is much better because it includes all the radio chatter and is sped up to something resembling real time (the actual fight happened in super slow motion because of the "time dilation" mechanic they added to prevent the whole server from crashing when things like this happen)