I think Audi is going for a model that the bumpers don’t fall off to compensate for slightly slower 0-60 times.
I think Audi is going for a model that the bumpers don’t fall off to compensate for slightly slower 0-60 times.
I think you’re looking at the wrong market if you’re only looking at performance and not the overall package...
Your argument is valid and cogent with one exception: Artificially low speed limits.
Fuck speed cameras.
Or you can dislike speed cameras as the craven, revenue generation devices they are, while also understanding that speeding may cause you to get a ticket.
I think a better option would be to take the Type R and make it look like a ‘normal’ Civic (which is slightly less ugly).
Really? Because when I think Subaru, I think Vapes and Snapbacks. Oh, and some AWD. Audi; I think of understeer .
This focus on 0-60 time is stupid. Cars aren’t one-dimensional - there’s so much more to the driving experience. For Porsches in particular, the steering, handling and braking are sublime, even compared to a GTI. And the luxe interior blows away cheaper cars.
I wish I could un-read this article.
Saab aside you are wrong...very wrong.
I feel like no one on this site appreciates creativity or the cost it takes to build some of this shit. for 16k youre getting one hell of a jeep. just because its not for your taste doesn’t mean it isn’t worth the asking price. whats next you think 2 million for an ugly Picasso is crack pipe because you think its ugly?
1m and Z4m both were manual only and came after the E39. As to what is the last true M car that debate will run for years and years.
"Who is this fucking guy photoshopping his Chevrolet next to our headquarters?"
You're kidding me right? The engineering that went into the Veyron was, and frankly still is, absolutely astounding.
What the fuck are wrong with catalytic convertors? Catalytic converters are modern miracles. They DRAMATICALLY reduce the harmful emissions from vehicles (by a huge amount...we're not talking a little thing here...a lot of people underestimate what they do), and do so in a way that is extremely power and fuel…
Because needles never got stuck, or gears never broke?
It's pretty exotic.