
“No. This is. And the best opener.”

That was because he had help from the Old Kai guy releasing his hidden potential. Its always been the fact that Gohan has had amazing potential but never the same drive as his dad.

You can farm ultras on a certain mission. Get the ultra low enough and shoot him (and yourself) with a grenade launcher, killing both of you at the same time. Rinse and repeat.

He does every so often. When you slam dunk the spark and kill 3 or more guardians, he goes crazy! When you kill a spark runner miliseconds before he slamdunks the spark, he totally loses his shit. Its a shame the only person who gets to hear it is the person who caused the “ohh shit” moment.

The only reason the super lasted long enough to kill all 7 (I just realised, why were there 7 opponents) is because he had the perk “more super for each kill” equipped. If his opponents were more aware, he could have easily been taken down with a shotgun shot or 2. Everyone was busy trying to get the spark that they

If you dont mind watching street fighter, he is a regular on “the excellent adventures of Gootecks and Mike Ross”. Youtube it and find the episodes with K Brad in it. He is really funny and most of the episodes with him are the most viewed. Albeit, sometimes his jokes fall flat and does induce some awkwardness.

This was the first one made I believe. The gifs have gotten better though. These NBA ones are awesome!

I guess that would include Taken King? Either way, its good that the exclusivity deal ends but there is no point in getting pissed with Bungie. They did tell everbody beforehand so there was plenty of time to make a decision.

Fair play. I think the xbox controller is superior too but i had a years worth of Ps4 PsPlus games to play so there was only one choice for me.

I agree that it sucks, not disputing that fact. I dont really remember what the bungie guys said during the reveal but im sure it was along the lines of PS4 will always get some kind of exclusive content (i may be wrong on what was said exactly) At the end of the day, its not really Bungie’s fault as all they are

Should have got a ps4? I mean its not like they didnt warn everybidy beforehand that ps4 would get preferential treatment.

ETTV is still a good choice no?

I wanted to say the exact same thing. Plus, to answer Mr Plunkett’s comment below yours, VPN’s arent legal in all countries so using one would be in the same area as downloading torrents.. kinda.

I havent read the whole review yet but isnt it loosely based on the books? Weird or tasteless plot developments would be the authors fault and the game is just respecting its source material no?

Taker had a concussion last years WrestleMania?

Its not the losing that brings out the rage though. Its how people react so spitefully when they dont get what they want.

Thats why you gotta play smart. Farm some minions and play very safe especially if there is a champ that can two shot 4 out of 5 champs on your team. Play under a turret, get your cc ready and just last shot some minions. The enemy team cant win if they cant take down your turrets so even if you are losing badly, it

Kinda excessive to kill a few wolves no? Are you going to review the demo Jason?


Thank you so much. I really didnt get it