
It’s reasonable to ask the manufacturer to put safety measures in their devices, and it’s reasonable to pass a law punishing the manufacturer if they don’t put those safety measures in their devices, but what happened here was a group of people trying to punish the manufacturer without a law allowing them to do so.

Your anecdotal evidence doesn’t really negate the game’s popularity. The game is popular. Those posts obviously get clicks or they wouldn’t continue to be posted. Get over it.

You idiots really need to learn the difference between having a holstered weapon and having a weapon in your hand ready to use.

Dogs are the hieroglyphs of blind emotion, inferiority, servile attachment, and gregariousness—the attributes of commonplace, stupidly passionate, and intellectually and imaginatively undeveloped men. Cats are the runes of beauty, invincibility, wonder, pride, freedom, coldness, self-sufficiency, and dainty


I’m not a white male. I still can’t see the problem.

Right, the families should never have sued them in the first place but they did “because they could” even though they never had a snowball’s chance of winning.

She used the “putting Trump in the White House” shaming of third party voters. That is disgusting. Samantha is smarter than that and knows better. The Democratic Party does not stand for my ideals. I will not support them for President. I will vote down-ticket for them, but I will either abstain from the President

Everyone here likes to make fun of Breitbart for being an echo chamber, but it’s really the same at Jezebel.

Pretty broad

You have completely missed my point, which is okay with me. Have a nice day, That Asshole.

So authors like Orwell should have just given his books away? Not tried to make a living with them?

No stand-up comedian should ever do anything but tell jokes about airline food and if they want to ‘get political’ they can do it on their own time, right?

No website, like say Kotaku, should ever push identity politics

That’s not the point Eclipse... You’re giving options on how to avoid the perceived problem. The perceived problem is subject of the discussion. Is it really ok to mold and shape the way content creators operate? Or should YouTube for example mold their advertisement system more to cater to the needs of the content

Do they really want to live in a world where every ‘public’ building has the same security guidelines as an airport?

I’m trying to understand why people are mad at Cinemark—it looks like not only did they offer to settle (which they 100% shouldn’t have had to do), but they also let the plaintiffs drop out—only 4 of the original 40 plaintiffs are responsible. Those 4 were unreasonable. They were wrong. And I am sympathetic—their

the problem is that in the US, our constitution is more than 200 years old and doesn’t have specific parameters on free speech and hate speech like they have in Germany or Canada. if we got rid of free speech as it is today and exempted hate speech, then somewhere like Alabama or Tennessee could designate BLM or the

Germany bans Nazi symbols. Neither of those countries is disabling free speech, they’re disabling the promotion of hate speech.

Because, for some stupid reason, they consider hate speech part of free speech.