It won't, it's about to drop off hard.
It won't, it's about to drop off hard.
It's depressing that a barely existing controversy made you go see it.
All I've heard is it's incredibly unfunny and Jones is the only good character in it.
This country is doomed.
Makes sense to me. I blow people up in Overwatch rather than in real life!
To be fair, letting in masses of refugees can create serious issues. So a blanket open door policy is foolish.
The Sopranos decided a boring side story about Vito being gay was worth half a fucking season.
Then add Stephen King showing up in his own story and everything goes nuts and the Crimson King is awesome but he gets erased by a pencil. The end.
I don't even bother with competitive OW after one horrible match. You really need a team you know that works together, and I hop on and play with randoms most of the time when I can.
That would be the best.
Now everything is appropriation even though most culture’s are a mish mash of many cultures.
Because it isn’t offensive or cultural appropriation? That term has no meaning or value anymore.
How are blackface and a non offensive skin at all the same?
Pharah has literally one skin that coule be a problem, and it still isn't one.
That’s really dumb. Its not offensive.
Yeah, it's one of a few reasons why I won't play competitive. I stick to quick play.
You can turn off voice chat and stick to emotes. That's what I do.
Yeah, I stick to emotes. Group up, Hi, Need Healing, etc. I just wish I had a larger range to use because I'm not using my mic with randoms.
He quite clearly doesn't have sex with her while she's possessed and willing. How is he a predator?
Gozer was pretty well developed through the gatekeeper/keymaster, the dogs and everything that came before.