
It does a great job actually.

Again, how were they all millennials?

WTF? How do you know they are millenials?

I just got an S6 Active and jesus Christ, stop making phones so big! It's not necessary, I don't want a huge screen!

I am triggered by your belief one should have facts and reason behind their outrage!


Sure it is, and that’s vastly better than laughing off valid criticisms and screeching “It’s true!” when people boo you for a stupid statement. This is pointless, you want to vote for a rich, pro-establishment, pro-wall st hack, it's fine. I refuse to. No one trusts her, and I highly doubt she'll win. If she gets the

Sure it is when you’re being interrupted, and that’s nothing anyway.

Googling Bernie yelling shut up has him yelling it at a Pro-Hamas guy. Huh?

Second statement is false though.

My cat was having stomach issues and we had to get her to the vet hospital a few days before Christmas Eve last year. We tried visiting her but were denied the first time due to how busy it was. We finally got to see her and it was one of the saddest things I’ve ever had to witness. So bad that my stoic self was

I'm sorry but you don't act arrogant and laugh it off, it makes you look like you're hiding something and makes you shady. If that's the type of candidate you like...good for you I guess.

She’s also arrogant, dismissive of criticism, yet another Clinton and is telling people to vote for her based on her gender. Doing some charity stuff doesn’t make her a good candidate. She's about as untrustworthy as they come, and I'd rather an honest person who does nothing over a liar who will actively work against

Vote 3rd party, and my bias isn't even remotely unreasonable it's based on Clinton's actions.

You don't nor did I claim you could, but at least having an honest, non-scumbag lying sack of dung in the White House is better than having Hillary.

She's a walking, talking advocate for the elites and Wall Street.

That didn't prove your point, she's saying "Vote or me because I'm a woman." full stop. She's also a liar who represents rich people, and she's dismissive of legitimate issues people have with her and outright mocks them.

Hillary and her supporters are saying vote for her because she's a woman.

Nailed it.