
BMW, for their invisible turn signals.

Fair enough. I think the double headlight treatment is what dates it for me since the W210-W212(pre) all share that very 1996 feature.

Some people just need to get beat up once in a while to give their Narcissisms a check. Though I am glad it ended peacefully.

This is sad. The E-Class used to be such an attractive car. 

“Rapid unscheduled disassembly”

Germany. It was a long time ago, when insurers were thinking about how they could make the most out of the insurance premiums. Of course, back then you actually had a choice of colors, not just two shades of grey, black, white and maybe a hint of blue.
Some people got mad when they found out they should pay more just

The Fourth Amendment does not include the language “Except, of course, if some people, somewhere, lie sometimes.”

I don’t understand why auto mechanics aren’t tipped

I don’t know why they would be tipped. The world would be much simpler if we just entered into agreements to pay a specific amount for a specific good/service and then people were paid appropriately.

Man... I hate those shitty ass rear view mirror camera screens.

I wonder if Rick Hendrick actively wants to be the owner of every first Corvette, or if he just sees it as a fun way to get a big donation tax write off.

These assholes weren’t hired for their cognitive prowess. 

Yeah, but what if he was a ninja-trained ANTIFA hopped up on PCP and about to draw a weapon? Can’t take any chances after a thirty-five mile an hour car chase - he might've raised his hands in a very violent manner! Remember - there are no civilians, only cops and THREATS.

the saddest thing is that what a 80 yo person is supposed to do when there are no alternatives to driving, it’s basically impossible to live an autonomous life without a car for most of the country

they changed their green paint I think; I have a green ‘19 Stelvio that is much darker.

“we’re betting that’s a European horsepower rating”

This idea that the left knows there’s only one right way to live, it’s the way that we want to live and we’re going to force it on you.

I think Mazda has delusions of grandeur. What else actually occupies this premium specific space? Low-end Audis? Infinit, Acura? Perhaps Lincoln and Volvo? I just don’t think most people see Mazda has anything more than a regular Japanese or domestic brand, especially here in California. Unlike a brand like Volvo,

Jesus Christ let her have her moment. 

Are you advocating everyone wear a helmet in convertibles, everyone wear a helmet when changing lanes or just being pissy for the sake of it?