
Go fuck yourself.

The clientele that own these lack rationale or comprehension to begin with.

As soon as the weather starts to break in NYC mobs of illegal dirt bike riding assholes start rampaging through the streets. The ride in such great numbers that the NYPD just does nothing. A couple of summers ago these fuckers were tearing ass down my street the wrong way and riding on the sidewalks. I had to yank

I don’t know about the other countries, but if I saw something that claimed it was proudly made in Britain, I’d feel like I’d have to start looking for the rest of it

Yup. Chevy Silverado - Made in Mexico & Canada, Nissan Titan - Made in the USA.

There are hundreds of thousands of MAGA chuds who have no idea their beloved hats are made in China.

I mean, that last question was rhetorical, right? Because, 100%, we’re the biggest suckers for this.

For some reason a large portion of the country doesn’t understand that we live in a global society/economy.

That, or he just couldn’t stop kicking the back of the pilot’s seat...

“Exactly why his ejection seat went off is a mystery.”

On the other end of the FS spectrum...


Eye of the beholder and all that. I think people walking around with bright as fuck white sticking out of their ears looks hideous personally.

I actually think both of them look fine but I think these are less ostentatious.

A simple Google search of one the copy pasta above sent me right to the Epoch Time, a pro Trump clown journal about as reliable as Fox, Breitbart and Infowars.

The only campaign promise he’s kept is a tax cut for his rich buddies. He said he would lower healthcare costs, but his actions have raised them. He doesn’t understand international trade, so he thought a trade deficit is bad, so he started a trade war. Now the trade deficit has gotten worse, and the cost of goods and

Little anecdote about losing parts manufacturers.

I'm done guessing with Trump. It boggles my mind that his believers (I no longer call them his voters) think he is this mastermind strategist. It's clear he has no clue what these topics are about, he's driven by emotion and doesn't have the attention span to think through the possible outcomes of what he does. He

The flip side,

Electric cars take up just as much space as fuel-powered cars.