
Yeah, hate to say it, but I totally believe the Conners would be Trump supporters. And I can see Jackie being pro-Hillary, and Darlene OBVIOUSLY moved to Chicago and became a big city liberal.

This was my mother’s justification for voting for Trump, when she’s voted straight-line D in every election that I can recall her voting in. And now she is so embarrassed by how it’s all turned out that she refuses to discuss politics at all and gets pissed off and shuts down when other people bring it up.

It’s historically ignorant A-holes who think that ‘blowing up the whole system’ is a great idea. They are too lazy to think or research a bit and don’t realize that ‘blowing up the whole system’ usually results in about 35 years of complete disaster and then another 30+ of maybe improving from disaster in a gradual

Exactly. Blow up the system = Anarchy. I am neither strong enough nor fast enough to survive anarchy, and I don’t have the wealth to buy my way to some other country where rich people don’t think it’s fun to reenact survival of the fittest with those who can’t get out.

Yes to your last line. I fucking HATE people who want to sit back and “blow up the system” because it generally means they know they’re going to be OK and fuck the poor slobs on the bottom who will suffer the most. There’s nothing “progressive” about that.

I don’t know where the hell I’ve been that I had no idea Roseanne is a Trump supporter who tweets Breitbart shit. How can that be? Wtf is wrong with her? Fuck her and her show.

I... got it. Thanks.

I think people have been giving her way too much credit for too long. I really think she is simply that clueless.

Interesting to see that Emilia Clarke, who was all #timesup on Instagram yesterday has no problem attending a Sean Penn event. Am I expecting too much from people here? Does it matter that it’s for a good cause? Ugh.

I don’t know why, but the way you said “that’s AGGRESSIVE aggressive” reminds me of one of my favorite lines from The Simpsons, when Bart joins a boy band but it turns out the boy band is really using subliminal messaging to get people to join the Navy. When Lisa confronts Bart’s manager, LT Smash (i.e. Lieutenant

More than 2x as much as me! But they have to talk to people. *shudder*

when was she ever anything besides a tiny voice surrounded by more talented folks writing/singing/producing her stuff?

A novice actress wouldn’t have been interviewed like this or gotten this kind of exposure/visibility. I don’t see any novices in that video.

I do think the age difference is really gross in its cavernousness, but if they’re both happy that’s great. I don’t understand it, but they don’t have to worry about what I think and my opinions will never effect them. They deserve to be happy.

They’re adults so free to do whatever they want, but I can’t stand it when straight people fetishize gay couples. Especially when gay couples show obvious red flags - for some reason heteros love it even more.

This is awful. I think people forget far too easily what being a consumer would be like without regulation and oversight. Poor woman.

I had a panic attack on the way home from the eclipse because my glasses slipped for a second. I can’t imagine if I had been duped into thinking they were protecting me when they really

She is married to someone who goes by Ned Rock’n’Roll. I think it is safe to say that any illusion of being smart is out the window by now.

With Kate, it’s that she looks smart and acts smart on screen. And that’s the end of it.

But... I thought blue lives matter.