
And now there will be a cottage industry for quacks to write up a health-related exemption for children if their parents pay the right price.

wow Anna why is gawker so biased in favor of facts and science and medical research

I love shrimp and cocktail sauce. I just find shrimp cocktails to be disappointing. They max out at what, 8 shrimp? And it’s usually so expensive for so few shrimp and cocktail sauce. I would rather just steam myself a ton of shrimp...

We’re feminists, Mindymoo. We don’t take kindly to jokes around these parts.

Maybe she’s black Irish?

Unless jezebel commenters can talk down to you, how will you ever know how to think correctly? /s

They were SUPPOSED to be seated at 7:30 and didn’t get seated until 7:35. Haven’t they been through enough?

I was in eighth grade and mister king of junior high says to me “I know who you are you’re like the most popular girl of all the like unpopular people.”

I get messages on OKC all the time that say things like “I actually don’t think you’re curvy” or “you don’t seem like a nerd to me” followed by winky faces/smiles. It’s like, wow, thanks for taking two positives from my profile and letting me know you think they’re horrendous afflictions.

“I’m so glad we’re close friends. It’s because I’m not attracted to you at all— otherwise, I’d mess it up.”

“You know, I usually like really skinny, pretty Barbie doll types, but I really like you. You are so real and low maintenance. I like how you don’t put so much into your appearance. You’re so real.” After I had spent 2 hours getting ready for this date...

“You’re pretty for a black girl.”

Same she started talking about technology and I was like wait this isn’t set in the 90s??

Tell me I’m not the only one who saw ads for this (this was a TV spot, not the full trailer) and assumed this was an early 90’s period film.

I’m leaving in a couple months to take a year off and travel through Europe. I’m a 35 year old adult, I pay market rate for my apartment, I don’t have rich parents (or any parental support, for that matter: I’ve been living on my own since I was 18), and I hope to have saved $10,000 by the time I leave (right now I

More Rachel Dolezal, yeesh. Look, I apologize if someone else has made this same point but could someone explain to me how she’s any different from Caitlyn Jenner?

But it’s going to be a great episode next season.

Added a deleted scene of the Shire villagers as an intro to the film

@ShubNecktie: Now I'm having this vision of a scene when the star, desperate to find out if they've made it back to our universe, grabs someone on the street and screams, "Who starred in Back to the Future!?!?"