
My thoughts exactly. I was mad that they shattered my illusion that one day he and I would be together and then I was like, "Oh, his wife is normal person hot? I ain't mad at it." But it wasn't true. I am still mad. But mazel tov to them and all that jazz.

Also, I think October 25 is the American release date?

Richards definitely looks closer to 68 than 48 but your point still made me giggle.

Not the person you are addressing, but I personally think if the shirt were shorter it would create a better silhouette. I think that's my biggest problem with many of her fashion choices: the ideas aren't bad but the shapes just never seem right. It has nothing to do with her body. If she wore a completely see

I see it too.

Saved me from saying it. I agree.

This has always been my problem with newspapers too...even back when cell phones were the size of bricks.

The gossip at NYU was always that ScarJo didn't get in because of her low SAT scores. I did get into NYU (and did better on my SATs despite thinking standardized tests are bull). I now barely live above the poverty line and work in a restaurant. I think she still wins.

I was annoyed at the Buzzfeed worthy title until I actual saw this dog and holy moly how precious/I wanna eat you up/bring you home with me and cuddle wuddle all the time b\c way too much cuteness.

Yes. Thank you! I admit, once I became more conscious of Calorie and fat and sugar content of food in college, I was much less likely to indulge in obnoxious treats like this than I had been throughout high school. BUT...at least once a year, almost always when I am flying home to visit my family, I decide that it is

Seriously, I could've sworn that Kaley and Superman just broke up like a week ago.

I didn't initially read this as slut shaming but more, "Where's the kid that made you famous?" On the same token, we don't snark about any other "celebrity" mother who we see spending time working and not talking about her kids. Maybe it's better for her kid that the spotlight is more on mom and not on scrutinizing

That Justin and Jessica matcheroo makes me think the Justin + Britney denim extravaganza was no fluke.

It seems he misread the first paragraph of the Telegraph article

I hear ya. When I'm wearing a bra, I marvel at how huge my breasts have gotten. When I'm looking at myself topless, it's "I literally look like a cow. My nipples aren't supposed to point that way, are they?" That being said, the combination of the boobs and belly make cleaning up after a meal pretty easy, as most of

My super tiny cousin just gave birth to her second baby and one week later she was back to being super tiny.

I love this movie so hard!

I recently bought it for myself. If my future (not hypothetical) daughter benefits from it too, cool.

Most of the time, I'm pretty "meh" about Beyonce and then I'll see part of a performance or even something like this gif and be like, "Ok, I get it."

If you haven't read her autobiography, you totally should.