
Yeah...I'm struggling to see the problem with this one...other than not being very well designed, from a marketing stand point.

Ridley Scott has been responsible for some of the greatest films ever made. He is also responsible for Robin Hood (2008).

True story.

I like to go to bed at 8 and I really want to be a bon vivant too. :(

Ummmm...I think that announcement would be the only thing that could possibly endear her to me. That or if she gave me a ton of no-strings-attached money because I'm easy like that.

I hope you carry them in your jaws.

To be fair, I think people reading the books often go, "Who was that guy?" and "What the hell was going on?"

Most lifeguards secretly hope for feces or vomit in the pool.

That photo's a fake.

I refuse to watch any of the released clips but I feel like this show has been riding the shark from episode one. They'd have to go pretty far for me to be turned off.

Seeing firsthand the effects that different work schedules can have on families and other relationships makes De día y de noche seem really interesting to me.

A few years ago they were working on a remake of this...I guess it fell through. More proof of unicorn magic?

I had no interest in actually watching the video until I saw that there was a fridge in it labeled "sh*t burger." Awesome! And the hand shaped pointer...that was pretty classy.

Bury it but don't forget it. We may need it once the zombie apocalypse hits.

ME TOO! And I thought, "Why faces? Why not other body parts?" And then when I realized it said feces, I got grossed out.

Some human chimeras can be just as visually fascinating, though that may be more rare?

Be careful...SyFy may hear you...

I totally tried to rewatch Harry and the Hendersons e a few weeks ago and my mind just refused to accept it.

Obviously, he's been married 4 times b\c despite being a badass, he has a soft heart and just always falls for the bad girls who don't know how to handle all of the love and tenderness he has to offer.