Exponential Grape

I know it’s been several years, but do you have any better reference material you can point out?

I was listening to a former player the other day. They opined one of the big challenges with the current game is the limited amount of time players have to practice as a team. There are so few snaps that back up quarterbacks have and it’s impossible to digest a modern offense in that amount of time.

I had a few of the porn incidents.

at first I was offended, but it makes a lot of sense except for one small problem. It's MASN, not MSAN.

Gibbering mouther (aka Shoggoth):

Semin and Fleischmann are both pushovers. If they are depending on them in the playoffs, they’re toast.

Brooks Pureconnect. This line of shoe had been amazing for me. Ever since I transitioned to a minimalist style of running, I searched for the shoe to fit my style. I tried vibram, they didn’t have enough padding. I tried new balance’s minimus, it felt like it was trying to force me to overpronate. Pureflow were okay,

Brooks Pureconnect. This line of shoe had been amazing for me. Ever since I transitioned to a minimalist style of

Before we get too caught up in Desmond’s skills, he is one of the major reasons the Nats had such a terrible season. He was awful behind the plate and even worse fielding. All of their early losses were pretty much his fault. It was almost like he was afraid to get paid.

Have they done analysis on whether or not more people watch the games if someone else is talking? I can’t imagine Monday Night Football would suddenly tank if they didn’t have Gruden there, or anyone in particular for that matter.

Watching it again, there was a player uncovered in the end zone, if Hunter had gotten it about 10 yards farther it would have worked, but that’s asking a lot of a punter.

You can learn the fundamentals with one programming language, that’s not what I’m saying. Trying to learn a dozen languages at once can be confusing if you don’t have the fundamentals.

What about California, did it suddenly change its programs? I didn’t think so.

No shit, I read the fucking article, did you read my comment?

That’s fine. This just says “We haven’t found anything...yet” not: “There’s definitely nothing out there, guys”

So in any case, the headline should probably read, “Here’s more evidence that ancient galactic super civilizations didn’t exist”

This isn’t exclusive to big macs. Any and all food reacts in the same way.

The thing that gets me about Texas though, is the jump in teenage pregnancy after the abstinence only mandate. Was anything like that factored in?

You’re right, you should start by evidencing your initial statements.

So fifteen thousand a year for being the primary draw for the colleges to get billions? Sounds like the free market at work!

Atheism simply means you lack belief in god(s), not necessarily that you assert they don’t exist.