Exponential Grape

Agnosticism, in the classical sense, means that you don’t think a deity can be proven either way. Atheism, at its simplest form is simply a lack of belief in a deity. Strong atheists, or Gnostic atheists believe there is no god.

Agnosticism speaks to what can be known. If you don’t think it can be proven either way that a deity exists, you’re agnostic.

One thing that blows the head off any “macro evolution” vs “micro evolution” blow hard is ring species.

This year he’s been awful. He’s done with this team. Absolute head case.

Yes, the bull pen shit the bed, but you left storen — Mr. I-suddenly-forgot-how-to-fucking-get-a-guy-out in after he walked 1 batter. You’re playing with fire if you put him in in the first place, by my count, he’s singe-handedly lost about 20 games for the Nationals this year. After he walks one guy, you take him out

Text messages aren’t a smoking gun. You can joke about doing something worse than deflating balls via a text message and it’s not a crime.

Please take him! -all of D.C.

The notion that he should have been pulled earlier in the second preseason game is asinine, unless you run with the idea that he’s already proven that he doesn’t deserve to play in the NFL. If he’s going to play in the regular season, he’s going to have to play behind this line. He’s going to have to do things to save

It’s a shame the two are so similar now a days

It’s my impression he drove Shanahan out. The Shanies had a great plan for him in ‘12, but he decided he was the next Brady/Manning in the offseason and refused to do the read-option anymore. He was amazing at the read-option. His fake handoffs were incredible, when he knew he had to run — not scramble — he was

Yeah, I’ve been trying for several months to get a sub 20. As soon as I hit that I’ll want an 18 minute.

I gave up on it when it stopped letting me copy content with my firewire.

Yeah, you’re right, I’m wrong, mostly because they’re not trying to make a profit, they’re using the politicians name under fair use, so cybersquatting won’t apply. https://moz.com/ugc/domain-nam…

when my wife had her c-section for our twins the doctors were rocking out to Eddie Money’s two tickets to paradise. I thought that was pretty awesome.

wouldn’t this be a trademark infringement? They could easily get an injunction forcing the people to sell them the domain names, couldn't they?

I’d imagine if possible you could fix some of the networking issues by hooking up the xbox to wired ethernet, but yeah, that’s not an option for a lot of people.

I’ve been a Nats fan since they came here. I’ve been a Drew Storen fan for a while. He brought this on himself. He’s choked away 2 crucial playoffs. He was handed a 3 run lead game 5 in 2013 and single handedly gave the game to the Cardinals. He only had to get 1 out, just 1 fucking out last year against the Giants

The Simpsons

Yeah, the confederates killing surrendering soldiers definitely ramped up the casualties for the union side.