
While the Church gets hit the hardest by the media, last time I read articles about such acts of child molesting is that it happens more frequently (and recently) in public schools yet is covered up even more. People just like to attack the Church because it's easier.

Wow, low blow. But what would I expect from io9?

I love the Bourne Trilogy, but it sounds like I should just skip Bourne Legacy?

Skipping over the spoilery bits...

So it's like Endurance except with the Survivor bit about not having food/shelter.

I'm in favor of an opening-credits origin montage. Easy peasy. The important thing is what powers they have, and we'll see plenty of that in the movie.

Doesn't it?!?!

I can think of some disadvantages to having a communal kitchen (space, usage, cleanliness—ie people not being responsible, or there being too many people using the stove/oven at once), but as long as I have enough space for my stuff and someplace for friends to sit to come over and chill and watch TV, I'm a fan of

It's an acquired taste. It's really creative and pushes a lot of boundaries for a space opera (they use freakin' Muppets!), but I can also see why it doesn't appeal to some people. At the very least, check out a few more episodes. Or maybe just try some key episodes:

I wonder if they'll discuss why they dropped Farscape or didn't pick up Firefly. ><

Haven't seen it, but it would be impressive.

That's my favorite clip.

I realize they're supposed to be connected a bit, somehow. But I just figure there was the trilogy. And there was also Wolverine. And there was also First Class. And they all have their own stories. And then I rarely think of watching anything other than First Class because it's so much better, even if I enjoyed the

I have the "original theatrical release" for Star Wars ep 4-6 on DVD. It came out around 2009 maybe? Along with whatever the latest digital versions at the time were. Episode 4 even says "Star Wars" in the opening, no "A New Hope" added. (But the best part is Han shot first. Oh and no Hayden Christensen ghost at the

I was all gung-ho to start watching Fringe via Science. But if they're burning through Season 1 this weekend, when I'm at work, forget it.

John Simm coming back as The Master would be fantastic! But I'd love to see him regenerate into Benedict Cumberbatch halfway through.

Oh what's that? What shall I call it? The ground? Yes, that sounds good. I wonder if it will be friends with me?

Someone should photoshop some Lantern Rings onto the Mandarin's rings...

Summer Glau is the only reason I watch an episode of Alphas. Unfortunately, I think I'm Alphased-out ATM and not even a celeb-crush can bring me to watch another episode.

Not a movie, but Doctor Who used to travel around and ship things in boxes marked Torchwood—an anagram. And now look at today!