
Republicans Are Going to Great Lengths to Distract from Trump’s Racism” is extra entertaining because the racism was an attempt to distract us from Jeff Epstein.

It’s just the way the system in Sweden works .They are limited in time (by law) as to how long an investigation goes on for from the moment they question a suspect till they can physically charge him ( they have to charge them in person - there are no charges in absentia ) and they usually take the full amount of time

How the hell is he a flight risk?

This is a quality curse, my friend. Quality.

In San Luis Obispo? I went there once and the black population tripled.

$10 bucks this dude wouldn’t show his browser history to his mother.

Assalt and buttery.

Remember when Republican supporters were screaming about “KING OBAMA” at every turn?

Pepperidge Farm has been drinking to forget.

“Article II allows me to do whatever I want.”

Drugs and alcohol.

Should have brought milkshakes. 

I honestly didn’t think it could get more embarrassing. It has reached the point of heartbreaking on my scale, well past the point of anger, humor, contempt, and camp. Not sure what the next step would be.

He should grow a beard and join ISIS.

This is the correct headline. “White woman convicted of crime she obviously committed. Demands to see manager.”

Be Beast.

Twas a bad day to be orange. 

This all day. Johnson’s team ensured they were leaked so they can easily fire and replace with someone more friendly to Trump. 

Woah woah woah. I’m here for the general message that going at rap is ridiculous, but Iron Maiden is awesome.

Scandinavia is super white”

White people should've expected this move after they attacked us with Taylor Swift's cover of "September". That was a clear and obvious act of white aggression that BLACC and PEOPLE had no choice but to retaliate against.