
Nice to see Bill Cosby has become such a strong advocate for informed consent. 

Chapter 1: The Best President Ever

When Gosar returned, he filed a travel report that included a Saturday night dinner with “members of the UK parliament” to “discuss the need to protect the right to free speech.”

Yeah, but Stephen Yaxley-Lennon sounds like a public schoolboy. Tommy Robinson sounds like what a violently xenophobic former football hooligan would be called, which is kind of his personal branding.

I’m a 32 year old male who’s not pregnant and I’m fairly certain this pizza would make me give birth.

Press Presses Press Sec Into PR Disaster Re: PR Disaster

“...identified as British citizen Duncan Conrad Hockey.”

I’ll be damned if I came all the way to Africa to be attacker by a white man.

Man, Paul Manafort makes friends fast. 

This is like one long, funny reminder to get a vasectomy.

Few things scare me like an unattended bogan child in the wild.

Sounds like Foster was trying to juggle too many Balls.

If McCain is smart, he’ll find a way leverage the sympathy this whole episode has generated and parlay it into a strong 2020 primary challenge.

Only serious narcissists do this strategic? crap (ie: Ted Bundy). And the outcome is as predictably arrogant and crazy as you might imagine.  Sigh.

You can’t blame Lewis for this. Every British person knows that if a piece of dirt never had a Union Jack on it, it must be unexplored.

Well, they took him alive, so maybe we’ll get a trial where he gets on the stand and professes his love for Donald Trump, made possible by Rupert Murdoch’s new-fascist global propaganda outlet. 

It's too early for this much cognitive dissonance.

What gets me the most is how petty this all is. White Supremacy is petty by nature, but this whole trolling aspect of it—this is the reason why 49 people had to die?

And there’s no reason to read that manifesto because it’s all bullshit. The shooters aren’t some psychotic monsters, or some type of variant of The Joker

“You can have one month out of the year to celebrate your history and culture.”

I too am a billionaire if you estimate the value of my brand at $4 billion. Please don’t make me own the Bills.