
Britain First were a political party, but they were officially deregistered by the Electoral Commission after they failed to file some paperwork on time. So now they’re back to being a drunken street gang.

We know that not all of you are as bad as Trump, but we are baffled at the numbers that voted for him.

Kenya doesn’t allow hunting. Think Zimbabwe, South Africa or Namibia. Game rangers in Kenyan parks have a shoot-to-kill policy for poachers.

If it is, it exists only in the mind of Theresa May, who can’t seem to shed her Home Office “Robocop” tendencies.

Interesting. Capital Gold is one of those radio stations I forget exists.

Oh, aye. The school I got expelled from had a couple of proper posh people, the bulk of the students were upper-middle, and then there were the lower-middles who were probably on scholarships or bursaries.

He’s got a definite smoker’s rasp due to his heavy smoking, but it isn’t anything too extreme.

Cigarettes. Farage makes a big show of not heeding the “Nanny state” by smoking and drinking as much as possible at public appearances.

His dad was some sort of banker, and he attended private school. He’s not posh, but he’s not common either.

Feelings that are entirely justified, as the Three Stooges don’t seem to have any sort of a plan, and it seems that May could bypass Parliamentary sovereignty.

I have dragged all of my Bundywatch friends in as subscribers! Now, if only they would do their own Twitter harvesting...

Have you been following the podcast? So good.

He’s already sown the seed that if he doesn’t win, then the vote was rigged. I have American family, and I am shit-scared about this election. You cousins voted for Shrub. Twice.

Hopefully when he does start campaigning, he doesn’t half-arse it like Jeremy Corbyn did for the “remain” side in the referendum. He took forever to say that remaining was a good thing, and when the other prominent politicians gave him a couple of days in the spotlight to gee up his (very passionate) supporters, he

I would point out the racism experienced by an Italian, Mario Balotelli, at the hands of his own compatriots as a counterpoint to that. Italians are hella racist. Just because the language sounds pretty doesn’t mean the words aren’t ugly.

UK cops have pointed out that these death-wheels are only supposed to be used on private land, as they’re not safe to use on the pavement (danger to pedestrians) and definitely not road-safe either (no insurance, plates, safety features, etc).


After my baby cousin died of AIDS, her mother came to our house to die. In the days approaching her death, my after-school routine involved emptying her puke-bucket and turning her over so she didn’t get bedsores.

Not to mention sheltering her company’s profits in offshore tax havens and not paying her interns, whilst still railing against modern capitalism and plagiarising large portions of her authorised biography. Private Eye magazine has been covering her... troublesome record for a while now. Unfortunately their website is