
My fiancee discovered my Wii U copy of Mass Effect 3 last fall and played it through. Much to my delight, she loved it! So for Christmas last year I built her a mid-range gaming PC with some spare parts and a pair of old GTX 460s I had. I got the whole thing set up and tested, installed Windows, Steam, and Origin, got

Okay, so, if the Death Star had no practical means of powering it’s main weapon until reasonably late in it’s build cycle, and nobody even had a clue that powering it would be possible at all when it was first planned out, what was it supposed to do in those first designs?

Is it weird that I would absolutely read a story that was just about the design and construction of something like the Death Star?

Traversal Level: Biblical

This is making me chortle.

are you just a reverse, dumb-person troll then? the only reason these coins have value is because someone else wants them. if there are infinite coins, no one would pay money for them. it doesn’t matter whether they came from EA, God, or a horses’s asshole. you seem to have trouble with the idea of digital or

So much stupidity in one post...

They’re right there. They’re not looking over your shoulder, but they’ll definitely be able to tell if you hold your phone up to snap a picture of yourself. The booths are similar to the ones in the article’s picture.

So Astin is going to turn out to be a secret bad guy, and Reiser a secret good guy, right?

I know! It’s like the exact cross section of all my favorite game things! Shooter + Strong Story + RPG Elements + fantastic characters = My super jam!

That was my takeaway. All we needed was a simple flag, and they marched superhero after superhero into our wake.

Good. The best part about Mass Effect was the story. I don’t want to know anything except the graphics.

Wow. Michigan must be really powerful.

he didnt delay it! praise be!

...more like Ryder went on a many-hundred years long ride to a different galaxy.

I believe we can fully expect most citadel species to be in the game. If someone is sending an expedition to another galaxy, you’d better believe that nearly every species lobbied to get at least a small team on board to go.

Might be the point? From the (sparse) bits of convo in the trailer, Ryder seems like s/he wasn’t supposed to be in charge, but Murphy happened and now s/he is. Shepard was explicitly selected as the best of the best of the best of the best.

Holy shit Jason, way to bury the lede. ME2 and ME3 being available for backwards compatibility is huge. I know the community has been asking for that for a while. Will DLC also work when playing BC games on the One?

I’m sure there’s a “boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back” movie you can see that weekend instead?