
Also funny.

Ah, the long awaited sequel to Halo Wars.

The part where it says User ID is for the Switch.

I’ve had this for a year. The sound is great, and it’s nice not having to deal with multiple speakers/wires at my desk. One important downside to note:

I’ve had this for a year. The sound is great, and it’s nice not having to deal with multiple speakers/wires at my

I have one of these, I’d recommend it except that it has an auto shut off every 15 or 20 minutes. Apparently that is hardware based so cannot turn it off and is quite annoying.

I have one of these, I’d recommend it except that it has an auto shut off every 15 or 20 minutes. Apparently that is

I don’t see it I mean I went asari and never went back but this one doesn’t do it for me. I like that they’re going away from some of the designs in the early games the aforementioned asari were pretty lazy, I just hope there isn’t a tali situation for people to get disappointed in again.

HAHAHA, I guess using Roadhog for the left hook is the clear choice but this had me laughing out loud.

actually no where in the article does it say we care about the employees. It sounds more like hey meet our terrible quotas without complaining or cheating the system cause at the end of the day you’re just kids making minimum wage and can be replaced.

Only statement further from the truth is “Gamestop cares about its employees.”

Honestly, it’s not a “Muslim Ban”. It’s a temporary ban on travel into the United States from *any* citizen of one of those 7 countries (Muslim or not), mostly due to the fact that they are ridiculously war-torn, and have no good documentation for easy thorough vetting of their refugees or emigrants.

So, c’mon, lets

I mean sure there’s the Geth and the occasional Batarian slave raid, but here on Earth things are pretty safe! It’s not like there’s some sort of... Weird bass note that cuts through your skull huh that’s weird and then oh god mechanical gods descending from the the sky in abbitor spaceships and god dammit Shepherd.

I mainly feel for all the poor, risk-averse souls who were like, ‘Ah, Andromeda... It’ll be an adventure, but travelling to another galaxy sounds way too dangerous to me! I’ll just hang out here, nice and safe, on Earth(/Palaven/Thessia).’

“Their Haitians.”

Save the attitude for something that matters.

Well that’s very petty and trivial.

It’s not a “nazi symbol”. It’s a swastika, and its been around for 12,000 years. we should take it from meaning naziism to taking it back to hinduism.

“Fuck off Red Cross”

In times of stress the last fucking thing I would want is to get pregnant.

People complain Nintendo doesn’t get with the times.

His entire audition preparation rested on sitting and posing in a chair and at the audition there were only backless stools on which to sit. He blames not getting the part on HBOs choice of casting furniture.