
Perhaps he is not prepared for victory.

Is he good at that?

...and then has the gall to say “You mod, bro?”


I, for one, highly anticipate the inevitable Netflix Original Pandaria-monium family-friendly cartoon.

Snacktaku is the cure for Mondays. Thank you!

I’d be mod about this too.

Well against my consent, your response made me laugh and also like you. Well played.

I will, though not in the way you meant: So if you use the same tactic as “those same people”, how are you so far above them to criticize them? If you don’t already know a principle that 4 year olds are taught, you might not be the best candidate for Quippy Critic 2016.

You’re one of those strange “read the text before discussing it” types aren’t you...

...like deciding unilaterally that the quoted passage is in even the same testament that you’re referencing?

The good news is that anyone who can so easily dismiss something as important to people as prayer is guaranteed to be immune from feeling any negativity from people dismissing something like his/her gaming opinions. Looking forward to seeing your poise and serenity in other threads!

Hate to break it to you, but there won’t be any substantive improvement without the controversial but effective measure of Liking & Sharing.

It’s a moot point though, as there’s a general attitude against making assessments/judgments of another’s religion/religious faithfulness (hence the rapid and heavy pushback against observations of what Islam does/doesn’t teach). It’s for the best, as my personal reading of world religious texts was not painted in the

The Supreme Court explicitly addressed and refuted the assumption that the militia clause qualifies the individual right to bear arms. This isn’t hard to understand given that wielding grizzly paws is too awesome to be restricted only to militia service.

I’m intrigued by what must be the fascinating etymology of “douche canoe”.

Maybe he’s saying Peace is not Cheap? Whoa.

Just take care to avoid repeating the abundant English-to-Chinese translation errors. “Strange.” “Large.” *backwards Peace or Love*

There’s only so many colors that mix well haha. Lions and Duke share colors as well (and Spartans and Jets, and Wolverines and Rams, come to think of it), but this way everyone can personalize for their favorite team...except Cavs, whose controller would look like the Flash instead.

Yeah that Scalebound demo dialogue was one long cringe train.