
I’m in your shoes, but on the Xbox side per the One S and Project Scorpio announcements. I think it speaks to how persuasive the VR pitches were that both of us acknowledge some consumer angst and yet are still full steam ahead to adopt the tech. Levar Burton hit it on the head that the combo of personal presence and

I see a lot of subtle messaging like this happening in the future with gifted custom Xbox controllers: “Sports! ...but also chores.”

If it’s technically sound, it’s worth it to me.

That is logical.

It wouldn’t let me Mute All no matter what I did...

That ReCore trailer has a really neat enemy location indicator just like the incoming fire indicator around the reticule. Unintrusive and simple way to move functionality from a minimap to the center-screen area.

That ReCore trailer has a really neat enemy location indicator just like the incoming fire indicator around the reticule. Unintrusive and simple way to move functionality from a minimap to the center-screen area.

God I love E3! I must be odd because I can’t even.

Here for the Mass Effect Andromania!!

Halo is one of the safer exclusives to hang a console purchase on though: its multiplayer has exceptionally strong legs, so if you’re into fps pvp then you won’t wake up 2 weeks later and go “welp, now why did I buy this whole ecosystem again?” But otherwise, yeah, console choices are a tough but beautiful choice haha.

“Streamlined controller”? What’s to streamline: size? If so, wouldn’t that throw off the cases, grips, and other accessories?

That is exactly the game I was alluding to in my comment about Blizzard.

It’s a barren console genre where Halo Wars 2 can dominate, and Halo Wars 1 was a lot of fun for many people. It was an excellent adaption of RTS to a controller interface that even Blizzard couldn’t do [/didn’t feel like putting max effort into because they would own it if they did].

No that’s accurate: it’s going to be so incredible it’ll rip apart space and time.

Better to have the potential to catch a few innocent players in the ban-net than to have a weaker net. The impact of sob stories by wrongly banned players on consumer perception of a company will always be a rapid check on strictness, but it takes much longer to aggregate a case against laxness.

Agreed. Games sales are already such a controlled market area that it makes sense to extend that against cheating. People claim some offenses don’t hurt anybody, but pvp cheating definitely does.

Better fewer players than a single cheater.

$$ = paraGone

Verdict is: CANNOT WAIT FOR E3!!!

You’re in luck. If you have Xbox, the free Games with Gold starting 6/15 will include XCOM Enemy Unknown, which was just made BC on XB1. If your XBL Gold has lapsed, you’re in luck again: 12 months is $33 right now on Newegg. With your fortunate sense of timing, I’d love to stake you at the casino.